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Hello , 


We faced issues with Cisco AnyConnect when trying to connect at home network. we have 2 scenario

Scenario 1: one home network and Cisco AnyConnect gives "limited or no connectivity" error message

Scenario 2: multiple networks and Cisco AnyConnect limits all networks speeds beside one who was connected from first time. (speedtest, signal), or even worst, we cannot connect at other SSID at all. 


For all users, after disable Cisco AnyConnect activity worked well. 

Messages History shows that Cisco AnyConnect stops in Acquiring IP address... or I had a situation where I had 2 networks, 2 different IP address classes and the second network remenders the IP address from previous network, even if the that networks should have different class IP address. 


If user cannot connect to Cisco AnyConnect, user cannot connect to VPN after that. 


BTW: wired network is working. 

Did you had in the past some situation like this?


Thank you!

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