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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

1. Connected Mobile Experience (CMX) 10.x is a bundle of Network Services & the current services offered on CMX 10.1 (latest as of this writing) are:

      a. Location
      b. Analytics
      c. CMX Connect Services 

2. CMX uses three databases within it. 
      a. Redis - For Current data
      b. Cassandra - For Historical Information
      c. PostGres - For Configuration data

3. It has a GUI of it's own. The underlying Operating System is based on Linux. It runs CentOS release 6.6. The Cisco Mobility Service Engine (MSE) also runs on Linux but Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5.

4. Commands to Stop and Start the services.

cmxctl start 
cmxctl stop

5. MSE 8.x licenses can be used for CMX 10.x servers

6. Licenses are not tied to UDI/VUDI of the server or to any other entity. Meaning you can copy a license file from MSE 8.x server & upload it to CMX 10.x without having to go through Cisco Licensing to re-host the files.

7. Cisco CMX 10.x is only loosely coupled with Cisco Prime Infrastructure (PI). Cisco Prime Infrastructure discovers access points and offers tools to place them on site maps/floor plans. These populated maps can be reused by Cisco CMX using an export and import process supported by Cisco Prime Infrastructure and Cisco CMX respectively. Once the maps are imported, there are no dependencies on PI by CMX. CMX is independent of PI & can’t be added to PI like the MSE.

8. Maps can be imported from Prime Infrastructure. It can be done using one of the following ways.

          a. Export the maps from PI & manually import the tar bundle into CMX using the command below.
             cmxctl config maps import
             cmxctl config maps import --help (will show all the available command options)
        b. CMX can be configured to login directly into PI & load the maps on it's own using the command below
             cmxctl config import prime
    Status of the import can be monitored using 'cmxctl config import status'


9. WLC's can be added to the CMX server using one of the following ways.

       a. cmxctl config controllers add
       b. cmxctl config controllers import

Once added, the status of the WLC can be verified using:

        cmxctl config controllers show

Wireless LAN Controllers report client RSSI data via NMSP. With CMX 10.x, it adds a NMSP Load Balancer in the front end for improved scalability.

10 . From the CLI, type "cmxctl debug" to collect all the logs and system parameters on the server. Logs bundle would be saved under the /root directory with a file name format of debug-cmx-<hostname>-<time-stamp>.tar.gz. 

For example:
debug-cmx-testserver-2015-06-02.tar.gz. Once extracted, all the logs would be under the "log" directory. The service name would be prepended with all the relevant log files. For example, all the analytics related log files would start with 'analytics' in their name & so forth. This command can be used for collecting logs & providing to Cisco TAC for troubleshooting.

Level 1
Level 1

This is a very concise and helpful list of things to keep in mind with CMX 10.  Thank you for the info.

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