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Surendra BG
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee





861/81/91W Accessing the GUI Displays "ENTER" Button



Just  assume its a Friday evening and you are all set to configure your home  router for wireless connection so that you can roam around your house  and access the Internet!!


You have configured the  WLAN-AP 0 interface and assigned the DHCP pool and mapped the VLAN and  all set to access the AP module to set up the wireless...


You  open up the browser and issue the Ip address of the BVI interface!!!!  all you can see if the "ENTER" button popping up on the screen Any one on earth will think of clicking that ENTER button at least once thinking something will happen.. but even after 1000 clicks nothing happens and this is when the frustration begins

Let me help you out in overcoming this issue!!!




Its a software bug...CSCtc94776 ap801 upgraded to 12.4(21a)JA01 breaks the ap801 GUI interface


>> The AP GUI breaks when the AP module is running the IOS 12.4(21A)JA1..


So we need to either Upgrade the IOS of the AP to latest or to 12.4(10b)JDA3..


Now how to Upgrade or Downgrade will be our next question..



>> Get the console access to the Router.. and session into the AP Service module..


You should be in


AP> or AP#  mode


-     Now assign an IP address to your FA port of the laptop  which can be reached from the BVI.  (Basically in the same subnet or  able to ping and telnet)


-    Download the latest IOS image: downloads for AP801 series. --- Click on the Support tab in top--- Then click   Download software------ Choose Wireless --- Then select "Integrated  routers and switches section" from product list-Then choose the router  model - choose IOS image..


-    Open the TFTP server (We used TFTP D32 ) (make sure that the  TAR file's name is shown as in the web site, because sometimes it gets  renamed to "Download .tar" and if that happens you need to rename).   Browse the TAR file and select it and click ok.
-     Go to enable mode of AP and enter the command:
-    archive download-sw /overwrite /force-reload tftp://<ip address of TFTP>/<image for download>


That is..


If the laptop Ethernet interface is assigned the ip addess with the mask of and the AP BVI is assigned the  ip address and if we are running TFTPd32 on the  local laptop.. the server ip address will be finally the  command will be..


AP# archive download-sw /overwrite /force-reload tftp://


The AP module reloads and the interface comes up.. Now try accessing the BVI interface IP in the browser..


You can see the GUI and the issue resolved!!!







Reference Links


Software Download Link


Wireless Home Page

Community Member

Thank you for the information! it was helpful for me,

looks like friday evening is the most popular time for configuring cisco routers at home

Surendra BG
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

ha ha Thanks a lot Andrey!!

Level 1
Level 1


I am a new cisco customer and just (a few days ago) bought a 881W. I have the problem you descibe above. When trying to download the tar from cisco, I get the message below (se end of message)

So in order to download fixes for my brand new cisco box, I need to have a contract and thus pay even more money?

I have already spend many hours trying to solve my wireless-problem(well cisco bug), and must say that the fact I cant download the fix is kind of very frustrating

I would like to know my rights before contacting the seller (bought in a web shop)

Please advice

Jan Bronee

To Download this software, you must have a valid Technical Support Services Agreement associated to your user ID.

  • If you do not have a Technical Support Services Agreement you can get one through:

    Your Cisco Account Team if you have a direct purchase agreement with Cisco

    Your Cisco Partner or Reseller

Surendra BG
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


If u have purchased the router few days back, then please open up a TAC case with us.. we will help you out in publishing the softwate and help u out!!



Level 1
Level 1


I did just send a mail to by advice from an online support session (chat) with a Support Representative.



Vinay Sharma
Level 7
Level 7

thanks Surendra for providing the info...5+

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