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Vinay Sharma
Level 7
Level 7




    Degraded Wi-Fi throughput and Video Streaming issue on Apple devices running ios 6.

    Core Issue

    Apple devices (around 100 users) running ios 6 having problem with streaming video like youtube. The problem is it won't play the video at all, and will either just have a spinning loading icon or "play button" icon crossed out. Tested the same iphone device with home router and it works fine. Also tested ipad2 with ios5, Macbooks and windows laptops which works fine.

    Is their any known issues with streaming video to apple devices on ios 6?


    WLC 5508 version 7.3

    Mix of 3502, 3602, 1142 APs.  50 APs deployed around internal LAN on campus.

    ssid settings,

    layer 2 - wpa+wpa2, wpa2 policy, wpa2 encryption AES, auth key mgmt 802.1x

    no layer 3 security

    QoS - platinum


    I have seen this on 7.2 code as well. It seems iphone's may not do TSPEC per this link. For WMM clients that do not support traffic specifications (TSPEC), disable ACM to allow for proper QoS mapping.

    Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide, Release 7.0 - Try to disable video call admission control on the WLC


    Disabling video CAC fixed the video streaming problem for ios 6 devices.

    CSCud67358 - Degraded Wi-Fi throughput w/ Apple iOS6 clients w/ 11n/CAC during BA neg
    Apple clients running iOS 6.0.1 may experience degraded throughput when attempting to download media rich content such as video.
    Apple clients running iOS 5.x or earlier do not experience the issue under identical conditions.
    Apple support has observed and analyzed the issue, and has confirmed non compliant CAC behavior with iOS 6.0.1 software.
    Apple intends to correct the issue in forthcoming firmware updates.
    This release note will be updated with code fix specifics when available.Conditions:
    Apple iOS 6.0.1 client connected to Unified Access Point at 802.11N data rates with Video Call Admission Control (CAC) enabled.Workaround:
    Disable 802.11N support or disable Video Call Admission Control (CAC).



    This document was generated from the following discussion: Cisco wireless and apple ios devices

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