I can't access the configuration page for my WAP2000 at The WAP2000 is connected to a Netgear RP114 router on port 1. My wired PCs are all connected to a Netgear GS108 switch on router port 4. I can't ping the WAP2000 from any wired PC at that address. I can connect to the WAP2000 from a wireless adapter and it works fine with strong signal and the range I bought it for. But- I cannot access the configuration page from any wired PC on my network (Win7 / Vista / XP) in order to secure the wireless network.
I have tried pinging the WAP2000- times out from every PC I have. I have tried switching ports on the router, tried bypassing the router and the switch. Nothing works. What does work? I bought the WAP2000 in part becasue reviews said it was "simple to configure". So far not so much!