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WAP125 Internet connection lost to finally ... die

Hello everyone,

About 3 years ago we bought 2 WAP125 devices for around 100€/each. The configuration was generally left at default. The devices are powered by a PoE switch.

I noticed that sometimes wifi clients (laptops and smartphones) lose the Internet connection after a few minutes without losing the wifi connection. Currently the problem is systematic. I looked in the local log (debug mode), without seeing anything interesting (but I am not an expert). I also set up an rsyslog server to keep all activity. Without really knowing what to do, I wanted to try updating the firmware ( -> the latest). I connected to the WAP125, to prevent clients from connecting during the operation I deactivated the 2.4 and 5 GHz Wifi radio broadcasts and applied. Since then, no access to the device via the wired network. In desperation, I tried to reset (I have configuration backups) following the official procedure. The symptoms are not those expected (after >10s of holding the reset button, the LEDs should go out, which is not the case). For me the device is out of service and I do not know why... I just deactivated the radio broadcast. It is true that there were disconnection problems before, but to the point of breaking a device it seems amazingly relevant to me.

I am mad. I do not understand. For me Cisco was a guarantee of quality. I almost blame myself for having insisted that we take this brand. I am disappointed (I have many other reasons than this simple message of having grievances against this manufacturer). For me the hardware and especially the software are not tested enough.

Here is the information extracted from the model from the device still operational and in use :

Power Source: PoE(802.3at)
Firmware Version (Active Image): V1.0.4.3
MD5 Checksum Firmware (Active Image):
Firmware Version (Non-active): V1.0.3.1
Firmware MD5 Checksum (Non-active):

Could anyone help me resolve this issue, if it is still possible?

With adelphity,


5 Replies 5

Hi @00u10kw3my37Xnf5Q5d7 

 Seems to me you need to insist in the factory reset procedure. Try to extend the time pressing the reset button for 20 seconds or more and repeat it if necessary.

 Just keep in mind that this is not a Cisco official response, I am just a curious trying to help. 

I am back and thank you for your help

Nope ... nothing more if i try it until 180s

I just discovered that after about 40s the led stay in static blue and after it turns static green until I release.

Jonny Bacoz
Level 1
Level 1

It seems like you're experiencing issues with your WAP125 devices losing internet connectivity while maintaining Wi-Fi connections, and one of the devices has become unresponsive after attempting to disable radio broadcasts and reset it. To troubleshoot, first ensure that the PoE switch and network cables are functioning properly by testing with another device. For the unresponsive WAP125, try a hard reset by holding the reset button for a longer duration (20-30 seconds) or using a paperclip if necessary. If the device remains unresponsive, it might need professional repair or replacement. For the connectivity issues, upgrading the firmware on the operational WAP125 to the latest version might help, as firmware updates often fix bugs and improve stability. Ensure to back up current configurations and use a wired connection to perform the firmware update. Additionally, review the network settings and logs on both the router and WAP125 for any potential conflicts or errors. If problems persist, contacting Cisco support for further assistance would be beneficial.

Are you a bot ? Sorry if you are a human but the answer seems really smooth and basically just repeats what I said ... However I can not update the firmware as the device is unreachable ... and yes to reset I used a paperclip. And no, there is no reason to send the device to a professional. We paid this device about 100€/each. 3 years of service is unacceptable ...

To complete I advanced on the subject.

I tried the following with a computer in the same logical LAN (here : and isolated of the other computers, and directly wired with the faulty device (I tried an other cable with the sames symptoms) :

I discovered with stupefaction that the device is sometimes available at a different IP than the expected (Fallback LAN IP :

It was discovered at by nmap tool :

nmap -sn
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( ) at 2024-08-06 15:40 CEST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.075s latency).
MAC Address: 04:5F:B9:xx:xx:xx (Cisco Systems)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up.
Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (2 hosts up) scanned in 83.90 seconds

I tried to open the web server with my browser at and I get :

Welcome to Cisco Firmware Recovery
Device Information
Serial Number: DNI251203R9
MAC Address: 04:5F:B9:26:BE:28
Select Firmware File for Recovery
File Name:

=> a possibility to recover a given firmware but as it is not reachable for a sufficient duration (see below), the process never reach the end (if it was the case I am not sure that the access is possible again)

I said the device is sometimes reachable, as it is reachable 20s followed by 25s of unreachability. To attest it, I applied this bash command : while true; do echo "$( date +"%F %T" ) $( ping -c 1 | grep icmp_seq )" ; sleep 0.5s ; done

To note that in the reset process, before I release the button the device is unreachable but when I release it, the ping starts to respond.

So I do not know what to do now ...