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WAP4410N v2.0.0.5 firmware - release soon

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Sorry for the inconvenience folks.  The link provided is delivering the wrong f/w file.  Our IT staff is working to resolve this issue and should be fixed shortly.  Again, sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

27 Replies 27

I'm dissapointed to hear that. I'm an IT professional and spend money on stuff that works for my home. I gave up on the consumer crap years ago as it never had enough features to support my needs. I currently have a Cisco AP-1131AG ($$$). I do a significant amount of large transfers between my wireless systems and servers so would like to get the additional bandwidth that 802.11n supposedly delivers. The 1131 is mounted in the kitchen pantry and has never needed a reboot and is running the software release it came with 2 years ago....

I don't really want to spend the money for an Aironet 1250 but maybe that's what I need to do. I was optomistic the WAP4410 would be the solution and it'll even use the power injector I have for the 1131. I don't understand what's so difficult about this. Granted the consumer stuff is crap, and the AP1131/1250 is pro stuff. The stuff in the middle should be good considering the prices charged. Yet many people buy the consumer crap and it works fine for them because they have one or two PCs with light use. There are two heavy Mac and two heavy Windows users in my household, plus other clients when there are kids here with their iPods, etc.

Cisco couldn't wait to slap their name on the boxes. Linksys By Cisco everywhere. Good, grief. Where's the beef for the customers? I bought a SLM2024 switch. Lots of features, seems to work, just don't go into the GUI. Had to open it up and fix the power recepticle the first day. Dog slow interface, device either boots every day or can't tell time. Honestly I'm not sure which. Maybe the accountants could spend $5 extra dollars per device and get a faster CPU?!

I also generally try to avoid the consumer grade equipment for the same reasons but wasnt willing to pay the $$$$ for what I wanted.  So I compromised.  Went with Linksys because my co-workers were happy with the ones they bought years ago.   Went with the 4410 because of all the horrible reviews the 4400 had.

btw, my linksys SGE 2000P switch has been pretty good sofar and the web interface hasnt annoyed me *too* much.  It was also a compromise because I wasnt willing to pay that much for a proper Cisco switch with PoE...


Locked up again.  The last time I set it so I could admin the AP via 802.11.  This time I was able to tell it to reboot  via wireless rather then running downstairs to unplug the cable


For me at least, the hardware version is shown on the status page within the admin panel. Glad to report that things here are still fine, both APs have been rock solid thus far. If you're really at your wits end then it seems your options are limited if you want a reasonably priced 11n AP with POE built in - it's got to be between the D-Link DAP2553, or the Netgear WNAP210, the latter which I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw it based on my experiences with Netgear WG102 APs.

To be fair, I think the support we're seeing here on Cisco Community is probably better than you're likely to find anywhere else for a product at this price point - at least there's a Cisco employee here keeping an eye on proceedings, even if there are some issues that still haven't been resolved.

Shepner, when the AP hangs, what exactly do you have access to? You can ping the AP, but can you access the admin pages on the APs webserver? I'm just a little curious because I had a problem that might be similar, which was the major influence in purchasing my WAP4410s. I had a pair of Ericsson APs, and besides the inherent instability and console only administration (no web admin!), I could never get roaming working properly with them. If I roamed from one AP to the other, the network would not realise that I had moved, and it would either take 15 minutes or a power cycle to be able to get back on the network. I could still ping the AP itself the whole time. I think this may well have been something to do with the address tables on the switch not updating, but I never managed to sort it, as I gave up on those APs in frustration due to the other aforementioned problems before I ever really got to resolving the roaming. With exactly the same switch (and same config on the switch), roaming worked straight out of the box with the WAP4410, so I can only assume that every time a client associates, the access point is sending out a graceful ARP request to the switch.

ah, there it is.  Yep, hardware revision 12 as well.

I find your comments about D-Link and Netgear amusing.  I have similar opinions except that Ive completely given up on D-Link and Im none too thrilled with Netgear either.  I dont think its too much to ask for a product to work as advertised.

For the problem itself:  After a while for reasons unknown, traffic no-longer passes through the AP.  The laptop still has good strong signel.  Ive found that it is still possible to ping the AP's management address via 802.11.  However, it is not possible to ping the address via ethernet.  There are still link lights on the ethernet ports.  All the other lights on the AP look normal as well.  The switch its attached to is not reporting anything unusual either.   Most recently, Ive enabled web management of the AP via 802.11 which has allowed me to grab logs and reboot.


Did it again.  This time telling it to reboot didnt help and so I had to power cycle it.


Hey Shepner... don't suppose you could humour me and try switching off your MAC filter (it won't lose the addresses) and perhaps change your wifi channel to #9.


Im not doing any MAC filtering and whats so special about channel 9?

btw, it locked up again


Nothing other than that is one of the few changes I made to stop mine losing network connectivity...


Assuming the switch address is configured to be in the same subnet, when the issue happens:

   a. can you ping the switch IP address from your both PCs wireless and LAN PC ?

   b. from the switch can you ping all devices, (AP, LAN and WLAN PCs) ?

   c. 1. could you please check your PC's arp (c:\arp -a) table, do you see APs MAC address ?

       2. can you clear arp table (c:\arp -d) and ping it again ?

       3. this time please do not reboot the AP, but your LAN PC then ping the AP.

Thank you.

Is there any new information on this issue.  I am still having this problems, but all discussions about it have stopped.  I have posted my setup information in the following thread:

I have tried all recommended resolutions from this thread without any success.

sorry for lack of updates.  The problem is still going but work was crazy last week and  the times at which it occured I couldnt spend the time troubleshooting it. Hopefully this week will be more conducive to troubleshooting


I shall learn to have some more patience it seems :-)  But it does appear the complaining resulted in being posted, I am grabbing it now and taking the WAP4410N's out of the box that I was going to ship them back in.

Suggestion for Cisco on product page, above or next to the download link, list the version number of the file.