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Can i implement WIFI other country but WLC install at my country ?

Hi All,

I have a question I will implement WIFI at different country  just install APs (Flex) other country but center WLC(5520) install at my country afterthat i need APs will go to internet and join to my WLC center. 

anyone can have experience to did that ?


I don't if AP install different country will have issued or not.  

i just implement install AP in mycountry and WLC at DC.


thank you

1 Reply 1


  There´s no problem considering you observe a couple of things:

-The AP must have local Country Code in order to keep it in compliance with local regulatory domain. Then, you need to permit that Country on your WLC. 

-CAPWAP tunnel have some latency requirements. Depending on the link´s quality you´ll may face AP disassociation from WLC.


Wireless Cloud solution like Meraki is probably a better option on this scenario, depending on how bit is your sites.


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