Having b clients in your cell will not change the 54Mbps datarate for your g clients. However, datarate is not the same thing as throughput.
11Mbps 802.11b has an actual throughput of about 6Mbps. A g-only cell at 54Mbps has an actual throughput of about 22Mbps. However, putting b clients into a g cell decreases throughput even further for your g clients, to about 14 Mbps (if using 'CTS to self'; other anti-contention schemes are even worse). The reason for this decrease is that the b clients do not recognize the g clients as existing, so they will transmit even if a g client is already in a conversation.
Also, since your b clients communicate slower than your g clients, they'll tie up a disproportionate amount of the AP's bandwidth- they have to be online longer in order to transfer the same amount of data.
You're still better off with a g access point than with a b model, but it's not 5* as good as you'd think from the raw data rates.