I recently installed vWLC release 8.5 in Hyper-V and referenced the hyper-v deployment guide. Once installed and configured, I could ping the management interface IP from the hyper-v host but couldn't load the web GUI from a browser on the host. After a lot of troubleshooting, it looks like the issue lies with sharing the management interface network connection with the management operating system. This issue remains if you use VMWare Workstation and share the network adapter of the management interface with the host operating system.
This issue remains using Hyper-V's 'External' or 'Internal' network modes when creating a switch. I have not yet tested with 'private' mode where communication remains within VMs and doesn't come to host operating system.
It doesn't effect the 'service port' interface. One can put the 'service port' interface on a network connection with the management os sharing option enabled and can still access the GUI form the hyper-v host.