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Fast Error Detection in ASR9K

Level 1
Level 1

Good day, I am wondering to ask one thing.

I am doing some maintenance ASR9K in Asia Region.

Mostly I  troubleshooted a lot of issue after failure occured.

But my client want to know more fastly in critical situation before happened.(Liked rebooted or module stop)

And I found some solution, OBFL.

But I want to ask is there more solution for providing my client?

My client do not want to turn on the debug.

Thank you!

5 Replies 5

Aleksandar Vidakovic
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

OBFL (on-board failure logging) logs critical information and errors to persistent memory on a line card. This is used for post-mortem analysis, it's not a tool for proactive monitoring.

If you want to proactively monitor the health status of an ASR9k, you can use the methods described in

A much more user friendly tool is "Platform Automated Monitoring (PAM)". At present it's supported on 64-bit IOS XR.

Thank you so much! It's so helpful! I will go to deep inside to this document :D

I have an additional question. How can I know 64-bit IOS XR?

64-bit IOS XR is available today as 6.1.2 on CCO. The only supported hardware today are RSP-880 with 8x100G and 12x100G Tomahawk linecards.

Hello Aleksandar,

That was an interesting tool, thank you for sharing.