Hello all
i tried to configure the following command via NSO on Cisco XR ncs5500 netconf
export to vrf allow backup
here are the configuration through NSO :
ext93561@ncs(config)# devices device R5_N540 config bgp instance default instance-as 0 four-byte-as 65102 default-vrf global global-afs global-af vpnv4-unicast export-vrf-allow export-allow-backup true
ext93561@ncs(config-global-af-vpnv4-unicast)# commit dry-run outformat xml
result-xml {
local-node {
data <devices xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs">
<bgp xmlns="http://cisco.com/ns/yang/Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv4-bgp-cfg">
ext93561@ncs(config-global-af-vpnv4-unicast)# commit
Aborted: RPC error towards R5_N540: operation_failed: for ns1:bgp/ns1:instance[instance-name = 'default']/ns1:instance-as[as = '0']/ns1:four-byte-as[as = '65102']/ns1:default-vrf/ns1:global/ns1:global-afs/ns1:global-af[af-name = 'vpnv4-unicast']/ns1:export-vrf-allow/ns1:export-allow-backup: 'sysdb' detected the 'warning' condition 'A verifier or EDM callback function returned: 'incorrect datatype''
although this command accepted by cli through the device and also when i compare the XML from that device and what i tried to do from the NSO , i saw the tags are the same .
so Is there any one face that problem ?
if yes , please advice how i can avoid this issue ?