If you are interested in joining the Cisco Insider User Group program, please take a look at this guide to make sure that you follow all the steps to successfully join the program and add the tracks you would like to be a member of.
Step 1: Create a community account or log in to: https://community.cisco.com/
Step 2: Apply for CIUG: https://community.cisco.com/t5/cisco-insider-user-group/ct-p/ccp-home
Step 3: Please read and accept the Terms & Conditions (NDA) before filling out the form.
Kindly provide your Company Email address as we only verify qualifications based on the Company and its email address. Personal email addresses are not accepted and should be provided in the “Alternate Email Address” field.
All requests are reviewed within 24 hours. Please keep an eye out for an email either welcoming you to the program or requesting more information.
Email the Cisco Insider User Group Team if you have any questions.