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Sabah Kadir
Community Manager
Community Manager

Are you ready for an evening where innovation meets inspiration, and technology harmonizes with creativity? Join us at the Cisco Insider booth during the Cisco Live US celebration on June 3rd at 5 PM for an extraordinary event that's set to strike a chord with music enthusiasts and tech savants alike! 

Synth and Soul: A Cisco Live Musical Extravaganza  

Prepare to be captivated as our lineup of talented performers takes the stage to blend the realms of artificial intelligence with the soulful touch of human musicianship. 

Featuring performances by: 

  • Two of Cisco's very own employees, Annie Hardy and Amee Chapman, who are not only whizzes at their day jobs at Cisco, but also seasoned musical artists. 
  • One exceptional Cisco Champion, Jason Gooley, whose expertise in tech is matched by his passion for music. 

At the event, artists will leverage the power of AI to compose original songs that they will perform live, showcasing their musical prowess. The best part – the song ideas are submitted by YOU! 

How to Submit: 

Have you ever imagined what a ballad in the style of Frank Sinatra about SDWAN would sound like? Or how a rock anthem in the style of KISS dedicated to cloud security could get the crowd going?  

Simply comment below with your song idea, including the technology topic and the musical style you'd like our artists to explore. Feel free to be as imaginative and detailed as you'd like. The more unique, the better! 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to hear your tech-inspired concepts come to life in a melody. Comment your ideas by May 30, 2024. 

Stay tuned for updates, and don't forget to share this post with your fellow Cisco enthusiasts. Let the music of innovation play on! 


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