I am trying to automate the whole provisioning of the AP in DNA via API.
Something strange it is happening in our DNA that we are not able to understand. After we connect out the box AP (Cisco Catalyst 9120AXI Series Unified Access Points) to the network the below actions will happen:
1. Device will be part of the PnP in status Unclaimed
2. After 20-30min the device will change status to Error
3. Device is part of the Inventory.
Could you explain please why we are experiencing this behaviour?
We are facing also another issue when we trigger API POST "AP provision": /dna/intent/api/v1/wireless/ap-provision:
data we send:
"rfProfile": "TYPICAL",
"type": "Unified AP",
"deviceName": "XXXXXX.XXXX.XXX"
Error we receive from the excecution ID:
"bapiKey" : "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX",
"bapiName" : "AP Provision",
"startTime" : "Thu Nov 07 21:47:11 UTC 2019",
"startTimeEpoch" : 1573163231726,ing.a.cepele@gmail.com
"endTime" : "Thu Nov 07 21:47:11 UTC 2019",
"endTimeEpoch" : 1573163231980,
"timeDuration" : 254,
"status" : "FAILURE",
"bapiError" : "Validation error"
Do you have any suggestion what we get this Error?
What do we lose if we do not Provision the AP?