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Proximity Logs filling TEMP folder

Elias Sevilla Duarte
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello Team,


Proximity users are reporting issues with Proximity filling up their temp (%tmp%) folder, causing their hard drives to fill out, and they have to constantly purge the temp folder. This happens to every PC using Proximity, in W8 and W10.


Is there any way to change the behavior? Perhaps setting the logging level to a level that does not log too much information?


Any thoughts will be appreciated.

1 Accepted Solution
4 Replies 4

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
In my experience these logs grow by something like 10 MB per week of semi-active use. Feel free to message me with details on log sizes and rate of disk consumption.

Currently, we don't purge logs as we haven't seen the disk usage as much of a problem, and in Windows 10 the OS can automatically purge these files now:

There is a critical issue with Proximity and microphone recognition which causes the program to write large .WAV files to the temp directory.    The files range in size from 200 meg to 900 meg and are not deleted automatically causing the hard drive to fil up completely.  We all know how much Windows likes, or better, dislikes a full hard drive! I tried to get TAC involved but they don't Support free programs

Any help would be appreciated. I will try to add more concrete facts in the next few days.

Proximity should never write any .wav files to the temp folder. How are these files named?