I have some troubles with language. When I use CreateMeetingAttendee of XML API, i recieve the email which is in English,
but I change the corresponding xml field (<language></language>) with other languages ("Korean, German and others..") and email is only in English, so i need Russian language, which is used in my webex personal site.
P.S.: When I had used URL API, email was in right language (russian).. So i think it is possible to do it with XML API...
Here is my xml sent to server:
"<serv:message xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>" +
" <header>" +
" <securityContext>" +
" <webExID>XXXXX</webExID>" +
" <password>XXXXX</password>" +
" <siteName>XXXXX</siteName>" +
" </securityContext>" +
" </header>" +
" <body>" +
" <bodyContent xsi:type='java:com.webex.service.binding.attendee.CreateMeetingAttendee'>" +
" <person>" +
" <firstName>" + firstName + "</firstName>" +
" <lastName>" + lastName + "</lastName>" +
" <email>" + email + "</email>" +
" </person>" +
" <emailInvitations>true</emailInvitations>" +
" <joinStatus>ACCEPT</joinStatus>" +
" <language>" + language + "</language>" +
" <sessionKey>" + sessionKey + "</sessionKey>" +
" </bodyContent>" +
" </body>" +
Is it possible to resolve my issue? Could anyone help me?)