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Cisco Jabber Info between two CUCM Clusters

Yarin Ezra
Level 1
Level 1

Hello Cisco Community,

i have a customer that run two separate cucm clusters (Cluster A, Cluster B) that use the same DNS, same Domain and the same Active Directory.

The customer is requesting that Jabber user on Cluster A would see the info (Name, title, number, etc...) of Cluster B Jabber user.

Right now when user A Calls user B it shows in call history (Unknown) instead of a Name.

When calling from A to A it works fine as well as B to B.

ILS seems to work just fine, might not since jabber info isn't working from site to site.

is there another way? or am i missing something in ILS and is ILS the recommended way here?


8 Replies 8


1) ILS has nothing to do with your problem.

2) Are the clusters directly connected in some way? E.g. with a SIP trunk?
Or how do users from Cluster A call to Cluster B and vice-versa?

3) Does Jabber use the LDAP for contact / number lookup?

Yes, the clusters are connected via SIP Trunk.

The Jabber uses the CUCM database for Contacts/numbers (UDS Lookup via Service Profile) and the cucm is syncronized to LDAP directory.

If the call from A to B (and B to A) goes through the SIP trunk, then the clusters should send the calling name in the SIP messages.
Assuming, that you didn't "block" the name presentation in the pattern settings or so.
Have you checked the SIP messages of such a call in RTMT?

Are users of cluster A also in the enduser DB in cluster B (and vice-versa)?

Yes indeed, both clusters sync to the same exact LDAP Directory, both sides has the same DB.

I recommended the customer to change the "Calling Line ID Presentation and Calling Name Presentation" in the SIP Trunk both for Inbound and Outbound configuration for both clusters.

i've yet to get an answer from him, also advised a reset to the trunk on both sides.

The customer responded and said that allowing the name/id presentation in the sip trunk for both clusters  did not work (restarted the trunk of course), also he said that Mobile devices do see the names on their mobile phones.... seems kind of odd.

Any other suggestions on how to allow names of end users to show on both cluster's jabber users?

That depends on the complete setup.
User 1 from cluster 1 dials to user 2 on cluster 2.
User 2 should see the name in one of the following scenarios:
1) If the calling number of user 1 is matching a directory search entry in cluster 2. Per default, Jabber uses the end-user database of CUCM for directory search.
2) In the SIP messages the calling name is already sent between the clusters.

So you need to check both scenarios.
For 1)
Is there a user with that number, that Jabber can search and find? If not, Jabber won't show the name.

For 2)
Check the CUCM logs, how the SIP messages look like.

Based on the outcome, different steps need to be taken.

About mobile:
What does "mobile" mean? Cisco Jabber on the mobile phone, or is it a call to a mobile phone number?
For the second, this has nothing to with CUCM and cannot work, only if the mobile phone itself has a contact with the number stored (but this has nothing to do with Cisco).

Mobile as in an iPhone (MRA) that uses the Jabber App, i'll try your suggestions above 

I've summed up the issue.

When users are configured in the LDAP and are Signed in the jabber client, the display name shows correctly in Hebrew and exactly as shows in the cucm dn configuration.

When users are configured in the LDAP but are not signed in the Jabber client, the name is shown in english as it is configured in the LDAP.

When users are neither configured in the LDAP and are not signed  in jabber client, the jabber showns the call as unknown.

the trunk configuration is enabling Transmit UTF-8 Calling name.

and name presentation is set to allowed.