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CWMS Calls Muted

Level 1
Level 1

I have had two different users who hosted CWMS meetings and had their calls muted.  In both cases they were using mobile phones.  User 1 called in on his phone and User 2 had the system call him.  During the meeting (two different meetings on two different days) their phones were "muted".  User 2 reported that he could hear the participants but they couldn't hear him.  He checked his cell phone and it wasn't muted and he checked the webex site and his line was muted.  The only way he could solve the issue was to hang up and call back.  It happened several times during the same meeting.  It happened 3 times in 20 minutes to User 1.  I have had several test meetings with my cell phone and stayed on for a half an hour and never lost connection nor was "muted".  So, I cannot replicate the issue.  Anybody experience anything similar?

1 Reply 1

Srdjan Ciric
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello Adam,

Best thing for this troubleshooting is to get the Log's for particulat meeting and open a SR with TAC. This way we can inspect the logs and see what user did what action on particular meeting.

Feel free to open a SR and TAC enigeer will help you on this one.

Thanks ,
