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Jabber - Cannot communicate with server

Simon Battye
Level 2
Level 2


I am working on a new deployment of Jabber and having issues logging in, my client appears to discover services as i'm prompted to accept certificates; the client removes the domain i'm using and prompts for a password, once i present credentials i get : Cannot communicate with server

Infrastructure/Client Versions:

CUCM 11.5.1(SU2)

IMP 11.5.1(SU2)

Jabber 11.8(4)

CUCM has been integrated with AD, end users UserID are sAMAccountName and in IMP we have sAMAccountName@domain as the IM Address, relatively straight forward setup (not using flexible JID).

The users accounts we have been testing with can authenticate from the PC in which Jabber resides on by the following methods:

Self Care Portal: http://<CUCM>/ucmuser/

CUCM UDS:<user>

DNS is OK, i've checked in the service-location.xml; i can see that both DNS SRV records for _cisco-uds return the CUCM Publisher and CUCM Subscriber FQDN's, these FQDN's have A records resolving to the IP addresses.

All users are present in IMP, all services have a green tick next to them. I've uploaded a basic Jabber-Config.xml to TFTP and configured all the main services using UC service profiles and a service profile; this has been allocated to the end user etc etc...

The only thing i can think of at the moment is that i'm using self-signed certificates but i should still be able to log in if i accept them.

Is there anything else i'm missing?


4 Replies 4


Can you generate error report from Jabber client? That will help to look at the problem.


Please find attached the Jabber.log taken from a PRT.



I managed to resolve this.

In the logs we could see: 

017-07-10 12:47:05,414 INFO  [0x000012d0] [s\adapters\imp\components\Login.cpp(116)] [IMPServices] [CSFUnified::IMPStackCap::Login::OnLoginError] - OnLoginError: (data=0) LERR_JABBER_AUTH <17>: Authentication error with server e.g. resource bind, TLS, create session or SASL error

A restart of XCP Router should have resolved this but for me i had to perform a full cluster reboot to resolve it.

Thanks for your help,


I only restarted the service and my endpoints worked

