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Jabber - username unchangeable on first install v11.5 for Windows

Level 5
Level 5

I am posting this again because it is becoming chronic as people get new laptops and install new versions of Jabber 11.5 

There was only 1 responder on my previous post and that did not get us anywhere.  His answer was to run the install with the switch to NOT search for WebEx service.  When I pointed out that we need to search for WebEx Messenger but that our usernames for Messenger and for WebEx Meetings are distinct, the thread died.

Is there anyone who can tell me how to install Jabber for Windows 11.5 so that the user is not LOCKED OUT of changing the username on a fresh install?


We just installed Jabber 11.5 on a couple of new corporate machines (Win7 using Skype as Corp IM)

We have a Jabber pilot running using WebEx Messenger so we don't have SSO or AD integration.

After a clean install of Jabber with no switches and no custom URL (we just downloaded CiscoJabberSetup.msi for v11.5 and ran it from the download folder on the machine) the screen for the login comes up but the username is already populated AND it is GRAYED OUT so we can't change it.  The format is our corporate email address.  We also have no option to "Reset Jabber" from the file menu. That is grayed out as well.

We then took another machine and installed it from the command line with this for options:

"msiexec.exe /i CiscoJabberSetup.msi CLEAR=1 CLICK2X=DISABLE"

Same issue.

So where is Jabber pulling these usersnames and why can't we change it?  Why is "Reset jabber" Grayed out too?

17 Replies 17

With Jabber 11.7 on the horizon, has this issue been addressed? or am I still stuck on 11.1?  

I'm hoping someone in dev saw this and was able to "unlock" the userID field.

The resolutions posted are correct. UPN is the cause of the issue. Once Jabber gets a hold of a domain resetting it will not help. The clear=1 works on the command line because it clears out the "bootstrap" file that jabber uses to set these parameters forcing it to get a new one. You can also modify the bootstrap directly on windows its located here: "C:\ProgramData\Cisco Systems\Cisco Jabber" the ProgramData folder is hidden so you'll have to allow those to be shown.


You can create you're own custom MSI jabber file that you're end users can use if you follow the document described here:


Hope this helps.

Setting the CLEAR and UPN_Disabled will allow your users to install the file and accept the new parameters.

Level 1
Level 1

Solution is easy: stop jabber, deactivate networtk, start jabber - you are now able to change the username and/or reset your client. Once done - you can stop jabber, start network, start jabber with the new settings.


Bernd Schwaegerl