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Today’s call centers operate in a much sophisticated and challenging environment. They have lots to deal with, and with less resources. Thanks we have advanced call management services in place to keep them maintain buoyancy. Let’s see in what respect call management can contribute towards a business bottom-line.

Workforce Optimization

An ideal call management system is integrated with efficient and automatic call distribution system, call reporting dashboard and call recording or monitoring tools that can help managers to keep their staff productive every time. Additionally, it helps with improving customer experience, reducing operational cost and customer churning. Managers can get a 360-degree overview of their people through a single Web-based dashboard. Agents too can have the detail of the surface metric and root causes to understand how they can improve. Mangers can supervise their people well with respect to various key-parameters and business topics that would benefit all and help them achieve business objectives.

Call Volume Reduction

A few call management systems do offer IVR-based self-service that can significantly reduce call volume and increase customer satisfaction as well. Effective skill-based routing also increases the first-call resolution rate which is a healthy sign. First call resolution will reduce repeated callers that often constitute 40% of calls received at in bound call centers.

Interaction Analytics

Call management software are integrated with cross-channel analytics tool to gauze customer interaction happening with every channel, viz. phone, web interaction, social media, email, chat and customer surveys. This detail can be used to streamline operation, improve agent’s efficiency and customer experience, gain business insights to improve offered products or services and better comply with industry regulations and corporate policies which would ultimately and collectively boost the business revenue.

Call/Interaction Recording or Monitoring

Are your customers happy with your call center services? Are your people working to their best? What kind of improvement your customers expect in the offered services? Is your call center operation complying with various evolving challenges? All this can be read easily by monitoring call or interaction sessions that your agents have had with customers. This can help you not just drive operational efficiency but also drive customer acquisition, satisfaction and loyalty. Your managers can have clear visibility into employee desktop activities across different systems, applications, and processes. Hence, they can identify and check non-productive work and idle time to ensure speedy resolution of queries, requests or complaints by maximum utilization of manpower and skills, and that insights can be used to compute KPIs (key performance indicators) as well.

Customer’s Voice Capturing

Today’s call management system services can capture customers’ opinions through various means including phone or in person, on the web, via self-service or even social media. This can be used to modify the delivery system that can provide speedy resolution to customers when and where they want. Effective delivery system can help you to differentiate yourself from competitors, expand wallet-share and drive customer loyalty. This can also envisage churn earlier and more accurately and guide agents to have positive impact on customers. Noted call management systems do have intuitive and simple workflows to improve customer-centric processes.



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