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Today Internet has become everything that we consume and through which we deliver anything and where we stay most of the times – though virtually. Therefore, the day is not far, when Oxford will add the word “Internetization” in its lexica as it embraced Google and Twitter. Cloud computing has emerged in 3 general shades – IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service). IT enterprises dealing with rendering cloud services to customers or clients are trying to make the best of the opportunities. End users are also getting benefited with the agility, device- and location-based independence, and enhanced efficiency aspects of the cloud technology. Above all, cloud-based services have helped them to work or operate with the least expense or investment.

Phone communication which was lingering on the costly copper wired PSTN or ISDN telephone lines connecting with a traditional on-site PBX got a new life under the Iaas module. Now the PBX has shifted from on business premise to cloud. And all phone extensions stay connected to each other over the Internet. Calls will be routed to the correct receiver in the virtual world. Hence, no physical factors can affect the call quality.  Also there are no significant up-front costs involved with phone line setup and installation. Above all, the calling costs have been neutralized in the monthly rental of the broadband or Internet connection. The only investment is in digital phone systems as traditional hard-wired phone systems are not efficient in connecting and responding to the cloud protocols. Thus by and large cloud based phone system has evolved as an advanced, economical, convenient methods of internal business communication.

In order to help entrepreneurs conduct their businesses in a smart manner being responsive to partners, customers and government compliance, Fonebell – a subsidiary of Techvedic – offers intelligent yet affordable cloud based phone system equipped with remote capabilities. Fonebell business communication solutions are helping them to operate smoothly by keeping their people connected through voice, data and video. A few noticeable features of Fonebell cloud-based phone system include: (a) Message management – allows users to manage their messages, voicemails, and more at one point of contact; (b) Call forwarding –  user can forward calls to their support team, customer service desk, development team, or anywhere else easily and instantly; (c) Voicemail: Users can record their own voicemail, set up multiple voicemails, read voicemails online, and more; (d) Mobile connectivity: there is no obligation for a user to stay at his/her desk to attend calls as cell phones can be easily connected with the cloud-based phone system.



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