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Call recording, call monitoring and agent evaluation – every call center does it in order to gain edge in the business keeping customers satisfied while deriving the best performance form their resources. Call center quality management is now totally dependent on the performance of call management services system. However, there are certain questions regarding call management services that need to be answered. Here we are discussing a few in the purview of quality control and productivity management.

How can call recording or monitoring drive customer acquisition, satisfaction and loyalty?

What customers feel about your products or services? Are your people – both offsite and onsite – are able to meet customers’ expectation? What more your customers want and what dissatisfies them? Call recording or monitoring system helps you to capture all insights that are linked with company’s key performance metrics. Thus, ultimately you can have effective strategies in place to achieve short and long term goals.

How can call recording or monitoring drive operational efficiency?

Call monitoring system helps you to capture and evaluate detail of every customer interaction whether it’s through voice, email, Web chat session, and more. Now managers can have clear visibility into employee desktop activities across different systems, applications, and processes. This will help them to identify and check non-productive work and idle time to ensure speedy resolution of queries, requests or complaints by maximum utilization of manpower and skills, and that insights can be used to compute KPIs (key performance indicators) as well.

How can call recording boost first contact resolution rate?

Would you like to call your customer service helpdesk repeatedly for a single issue or concern? Obviously, you would say NO. Yes, customers want appropriate solution at the very first touch point. Interestingly, call management software helps you to track how well your people are handling your prospects or customers. Where are they lacking? Insights will help you have the right answer, and by resolving it you can cut down repeat contacts and save big on operational cost.

How can call recording system answer compliance and risk challenges?

Today’s call center works in a sophisticated environment. Outside regulatory compliance, internal organizational policies and frauds – call center operators have to withstand all, if they really want to sustain and grow. What makes the task more arduous is their evolving nature. Thanks to advanced call management service. Being a call center operator, comply with acts linked with consumer protection acts, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and others, secure the interaction-sessions, and have an unswerving hold in the market.



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