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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Roland Russwurm on 21-11-2012 06:50:03 AM
Hi All,
Following GET: <unity-server>/vmrest/users/<user_objid>/alternateextensions/<alternateextension_objid> results the extension and IdIndex... but the result does not include the "Display Name" of the alternate extension.
Is there any way to get it somehow?
Thanks in advance!

Subject: RE: Alternate extension - GET display name
Replied by: Jeff Lindborg on 21-11-2012 10:11:30 AM
CUPI (for admins) does not return the display name for whatever reason - CUPI for Users does.  Admins can see other items like location and partition assignment that users don't see, but users see display name and the "user defined" boolean flag.
Tested it against my 8.6 and 9.0 servers - same behavior.  As far as I know it's always been this way - does seem a little odd that the admin is missing a couple properties that users can see.

Subject: RE: Alternate extension - GET display name
Replied by: Roland Russwurm on 22-11-2012 03:07:44 AM
Thanks for the explanation!
Hopefully I can "live without" this value.
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