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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Marcello Scippa on 07-07-2010 02:55:23 PM
If I develop an application for the CIUS, will Cisco have an Appstore that developers can take advantage of to distribute applications?

Subject: RE: AppStore?
Replied by: Vivek Yadav on 07-07-2010 02:56:04 PM
Cisco will have a marketplace which will highlight developer applications and provide links to the Android Appstore for distribution and ecommerce.

Subject: RE: AppStore?
Replied by: Mario Bernier on 21-03-2011 11:42:43 AM
If I develop an application for the CIUS, will Cisco have an Appstore that developers can take advantage of to distribute applications?

Subject: RE: AppStore?
Replied by: David Staudt on 21-03-2011 03:05:45 PM
This is definitely planned, for sooner rather than later, but we're not quite ready to share the final details and dates yet.  Please stand by!
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