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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Lionel KEROGUES on 01-09-2011 10:31:40 AM
Hello folk,
Would like to know which field i may use from cdr API in order to get the related meeting in sched API ?
For instance, i would like to use getMeeting method from sched API in order to get meeting info. The only filter i can use with getMeeting is "meetingID".  What is the field in cdr API that binds to "meetingID" ?
Thanks for your support.

Subject: RE: Binding CDRs records to Meetings
Replied by: John Yontz on 27-04-2012 12:30:26 PM
Hi Lionel,

Sorry for the late response, but the e-mail notification system was broken and I just now saw this.  The APICallDetailRecord which is returned by the CDR API does contain a meetingID field.  This is exactly what you would use to correlate CDR data with the meetings returned by the getMeetings method.  Note that there will only be a meetingID present in the CDR for calls into Meet-Me or Rendezvous meetings.  Direct dial calls will not contain meetingID data in the CDR because they are point-to-point.

- John
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