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Engin Zeren
Level 1
Level 1

If shared memory both on active and standby CA is corrupted and backup shared  memory data is unstable then only way to recover shared memory is using EMS DB. This will cause outage in system that's why should be implemented out of busy hours.

Here is the prosedure to recover shared memory from Oracle DB on EMS.

1- Log into Active EMS with "ciscouser" and run following command on CLI

download database target=CA; file=/tmp/download-CA146

download database target=FSAIN; file=//tmp/download-FSAIN205

download database target=FSPTC; file=/tmp/download-FSPTC235

2- Log into Active and Standby CA and run "platform stop all" command.

3- Log into Active and Standby CA and delete following directory

cd /opt/OptiCall

\rm -rf */bin/data

4- Upload downloaded database on EMS to following path on Active CA.

download-CA146   --> /opt/OptiCall/CA146/bin

download-FSPTC235  --> /opt/OptiCall/FSPT235/bin

download-FSAIN205 --> /opt/OptiCall/FSAIN205/bin

5- Login to Active CA and run following command :

cd /opt/OptiCall/CA146/bin

./dbm_sql.CA146 ./data ./catalog < download-CA146

cd   /opt/OptiCall/FSPT235/bin

./dbm_sql.FSPTC235 ./data ./catalog < download-FSPTC235

cd  /opt/OptiCall/FSAIN205/bin

./dbm_sql.FSAINxxx ./data ./catalog < download-FSAIN205

6- Run platform start all on both Active and Standby CAs.

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