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Created by: Aswien Behari on 05-11-2009 02:42:45 PM
Hi all,
I've upgraded a E20 to version TE2.0.1.193887. The webinterface is not accessible after the upgrade. I'm trying to make a webrequest to the E20 from a C# application, but this will fail of course. I've tried downgrading it, but now the problem exist in v1.0. So what should I do? Is there a problem in the software package of E20?
With kind regards,
Subject: RE: Can't make webrequest to E20 after upgrade
Replied by: Oyvind Bjorstad on 05-11-2009 05:23:46 PM
Hi Aswien,
The web interface should be working in both TE1.x and TE2.x.
So this sounds like a case for support, so please contact your TANDBERG support representative to get help on your question.