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Level 11
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Created by: Charles Offenbacher on 01-03-2012 11:06:42 AM
What's the best approach for persisting a chat session across multiple windows in CAXL? There are some examples (i.e. persistTest1.html) in the doc/ folder, but I'm pretty sure it's cheating -- the username and password are hardcoded in the script, and it automatically uses them to reconnect if it's disconnected. If I remove the password from the script after having logged in and reload the page, it fails to reconnect.
Is there a token we can store in a cookie that will let us persist a session across windows? It seems like a pretty basic case that is probably built in, but the sample client doesn't support it.
Thanks! ~Charlie

Subject: RE: CAXL Cisco XMPP chat persistence
Replied by: Matthew Miller on 02-03-2012 01:59:06 PM
CAXL does support page-to-page persistence, but only supports a very short length of time (generally about 1 minute).  We do not have anything more permanent implemented today.

However, I think the page-to-page persistence is all you really need, and does not require the login credentials to be hard-coded.  The easiest way to enable this support is to create an application class that extends jabberwerx.ui.JWApp, declare it as the persisted application class, and load that javascript file across all of your webpages.  As long as the user is still logged in, moving through your site should maintain the session correctly.

The persistchatdemo.html is one of the simplest examples of how to implement and use a JWApp class.
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