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DRF Backup on UCCX 8.5 has been known to fail at a critical point: during the backup of the LDAP database.

This database contains multiple configuration items within the UCCX, including essential data that is needed in the following situations:

  • Contact Center agents need this in order to login.
  • Agent workflows are stored in this database.
  • Supervisors need to be able to access this so that they can view and monitor their teams.
  • The VoIP Monitoring service needs access to its configuration from here.

The backups can fail at this point due to three defects: CSCtz34126, CSCub03368, CSCub72642.

The failure is most often silent: it will be reported as a success, but if one takes a closer look at the backup logs, a failure is detected:

Filename: CCXCOMPONENT.log

TIME: Start: Backup CAD Component
TIME: **************************************************************************************************************
TIME: Calling CAD component backup scripts
TIME: Executing cmd: /opt/cisco/uccx/drf/backup/ /common/drf/backup.log
TIME:  Create Temporary directorys in staging area
TIME:  Backup LDAP
TIME:  Backup LDAP Script failed to work
TIME: CAD component backup completed
TIME: **************************************************************************************************************
TIME: Finish: Backup CAD Component

When you see such an issue in your backups, please contact Cisco TAC and upgrade to UCCX 8.5(1)SU3.

After you are on 8.5(1)SU3, you will need to apply the ES02 patch (your TAC engineer will publish it for you).

There have been cases where the failed backups have gone unnoticed, and the system enters a state from which it needs to be restored using a DRF backup. Due to the issues, the LDAP database is not present in the backup.

When this backup is restored to the system, the LDAP database is erased. As a result, the following issues will be seen:

  • Contact Center agents will be unable to login. The error message will state that the License service is down.
  • Supervisors will be able to login, but they will see “No Service” at the bottom and they will not be able to see any of their teams.
  • When Cisco Desktop Administrator is opened from the UCCX Appadmin, the page will be a blank.

In such a case, there are two paths you can take to resolve the issue:

  1. If the backup was restored to only the publisher in the High Availability cluster, the subscriber will still have the data.
    • Contact TAC to assist in copying the LDAP database manually from the subscriber to the publisher (on which the bad backup was restored).
  2. If the backup was restored to both nodes in the High Availability cluster, neither node will have the data. Both LDAP databases will be blank.
    • Contact TAC to assist in creating a skeleton LDAP database, and then populating it with synchronizable data. Workflows, reason codes, and other configurations made from Cisco Desktop Workflow Administrator will have to be manually rebuilt.

To conclude, please do ensure that your UCCX 8.5 system has been upgraded to the latest version. Check the CCXCOMPONENT logs for your DRF backups; if you see “Backup LDAP Script failed to work”, please contact TAC and ask for the 8.5(1)SU3ES02 patch.

There is also a Field Notice to raise awareness about this issue

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