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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: John Monroe on 21-06-2011 03:16:25 PM
I cannot get my CIUS to record and/or playback audio. I've installed our test app which does audio record/playback but I get no sound. Even using the "Sound Recorder" application that was preinstalled shows the audio gage moving, but no sound on playback. I have the media volume set to full, and I've also tried plugging in headphones with no luck. Is audio supported on my CIUS yet?
Kernal version is
Active load is sipcius.9-1-1TT6-29SECdev

Subject: RE: CIUS no audio record/playback
Replied by: David Nguyen on 21-06-2011 03:42:11 PM
Hi John,

Audio playback should work with any load. Please check the Sound Settings and make sure that you don't have "Silent mode" set. Can you try to play any Phone Ringtone from the Sound Settings and let me know if this works? Thanks.


Subject: RE: CIUS no audio record/playback
Replied by: John Monroe on 21-06-2011 04:44:12 PM
Hi David,
All sound settings looked good, but even the ringtones were not playing. I've since disconnected it from my laptop and rebooted the CIUS, and the sound is now working. Is there an issue if it's in debug mode?
Hi John,

Audio playback should work with any load. Please check the Sound Settings and make sure that you don't have "Silent mode" set. Can you try to play any Phone Ringtone from the Sound Settings and let me know if this works? Thanks.


Subject: RE: CIUS no audio record/playback
Replied by: David Nguyen on 21-06-2011 05:35:52 PM
Hi John,

Glad that you have it working now. We're not aware of any issues with sound nor are we aware of any reason why connecting via USB for debugging would affect sound recording/playback.  However, the firmware you're using is very old and I suggest that you upgrade to a more recent firmware version.

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