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Level 7
Level 7





This document describes the common problems in Extension Mobility.


Error :- Host not found



  • Check that the Cisco Tomcat service is running by choosing Cisco Unified Serviceability > Tools > Control Center—Network Services


  • If you have changed the ip address on service URL then click on "Update subscriptions" (Device > Device Settings > Phone Services >IP Phone Services Configuration).and resubscribe each phone to which the wrong service was subscribed.



Error:- You can’t see the EM feature after hitting the services button




-Verify that you have configured the Extension Mobility service


-Verify the service URL is correct


– Start/Restart the EM services on each node you are running.





Error:- You can’t log in/out of the EM feature but you can see it after pressing the services button




This error comes when you haven’t enabled the extension mobility , subscribed the phones/device profiles to the service as needed and haven’t associated user to a device profile.







Error:- To set up speed dials and other services from your phone, please goto https://x.x.x.x:8443/ccmuser/


The above error comes when you haven’t subscribed the phone or device profile to the EM profile. Once this is done you should be able to see the EM profile and log in correctly.


Error:-After a user logs out and the phone reverts to the default device profile, the user finds that the phone services are no longer available.



1. Check the Enterprise Parameters to make sure that the Synchronization Between Auto Device Profile and Phone Configuration is set to True.

2. Subscribe the phone to the Cisco Extension Mobility service.






Error:-After performing a login or logout, the user finds that the phone resets instead of restarting.





  • Locale change may provide the basis for reset.


  • If the User Locale that is associated with the login user or profile is not the same as the locale or device, after a successful login, the phone will perform a restart that is followed by a reset. This occurs because the phone configuration file is being rebuilt.



Error[201]-Authentication error



The user should check that the correct UserID and PIN were entered; the user should check with the system administrator that the UserID and PIN are correct.


Error [22]-Dev.logon disabled


Make sure that you have chosen "Enable Extension Mobility" check box on the Phone Configuration window.


Error [205]-User Profile Absent


Make sure that you have associated a Device Profile to the user.



Error [208]-EMService Conn. error


Verify that the Cisco Extension Mobility service is running by choosing Cisco Unified Serviceability > Tools > Control Center—Feature Services


Error [25]-User logged in elsewhere


Check whether the user is logged in to another phone. If multiple logins need to be allowed, ensure the Multiple Login Behavior service parameter is set to Multiple Logins Allowed


Error:- Http Error [503]



  • If you get this error when Services button is pressed, check that the Cisco Communications Manager Cisco IP Phone Services service.



  • If you get this error when you select Extension Mobility service, check that the Cisco Extension Mobility Application service is running by choosing Cisco Unified Serviceability > Tools > Control Center—Network Services.





Error:- [202]-Blank userid or pin


Enter a valid userid and PIN.



Error:- [26]- Busy, please try again





  • Check whether the number of concurrent login/logout requests is greater than the Maximum Concurrent requests service parameter. If so, lower the number of concurrent requests.


  • To verify the number of concurrent login/logout requests, use Cisco Unified Communications Manager Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool to view the Requests In Progress counter in the Extension Mobility object.


Error:-[6]-Database Error




  • Check whether a large number of requests exists
  • If large number of requests exists, the Requests In Progress counter in the Extension Mobility object counter specifies a high value. If the requests are rejected due to large number of concurrent requests, the Requests Throttled counter also specifies a high value.



Error:- [207]-Device Name Empty




Error:- XML Error [4] Parse Error



Check that the URL that is configured for Cisco Extension Mobility is correct and there should be no space in between.


Error:- 8945 phone does not show EM service




Set service provisioning to default or internal. Refer Bug CSCtx70127



Error:-[http-8080-9         ] EMX509TrustManager       - checkServerTrusted: BSCUCM001.blocksolutions.local Certificate not found in the keystore : the certificate chain is not trusted, Could not validate path.


Follow the below steps in order to resolve the issue:-


1. Go to Certificat managent under security

2. Delete/Add Cisco Tomcat Cert

3. Restart Cisco Tomcat service,Cisco Trust verification service and EM service.

4. Try login to EM.


Error:- Login is unavailable(213)




This error comes when the device or phone load does not support EMCC (eg. non-supported phone models,supported phone models with older phone load).It could also be the incorrect service URL and/or secure Service URL.


Error:- Untrusted IP Error




This error comes when "Validate IP Address" service parameter is set to true and user tries to login/logout from a machine whose IP address is not trusted i.e. not listed in Trusted List of Ips service parameter)


Error:- Extension mobility fails after upgrade to 8.0.3




-> In the CUCM OS Administration page, re-generate the "Tomcat" certificates in all the nodes in the cluster. When the certificate is re-generated, the new certificate will be updated in the DB and CertMgr component should create the tomcat-trust.keystore file.

-> Restart Tomcat in all the nodes.

Error:- 79XX phones cannot access certain SURLs when running firmware 9-0-3+




Access the service from the services button on the phone or downgrade the phone firmware to 9-0-2SR2 or earlier.



Login Server Connection Error




If you are running Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility on an IBM-340 platform, check that the system allows anonymous access to the Login Service web site.


And talso check the URL of the Login Service may not be configured properly in the LDAP directory. Check that the URL is correct.



Related Links


Configuration Video on Extension Mobility

Roles and Permissions for Extension Mobility








Surendra Thakur
Community Member


I am looking for a solution on Conferencing feature for 7821 phone. 

Problem - when using extension mobility on 7821 phone. I am unable to do conference. not receiving any error. But when pressing conference soft key after adding the third party call. one call is going on Hold. if you press conference again then another phone call is going on hold. Basically it's swapping between two calls. both the calls are not joining. 

When not logged in EM. conference call is working as expected. could some one experienced this in past and has any resolution.


 check in your Device Profile > Line >  Maximum Number of Calls options, if the number is equal or more than 2.


Hope this helps.

Surendra Thakur
Community Member

Thank you Marcelo for your response..


Maximum Number of calls is defined as 4, Busy  trigger 2. it's already there.

Level 1
Level 1

Dear Team,


We are running CUCM version 9.1 and whenever the people goes on long leave some 10 to 15 days they receive 201 error while logging in EM . We synchronized with Microsoft AD. When we convert the LDAP user to local user , we can able to login without any issues. In the Logs, i can see the error "The user is inactive in LDAP" but the user is active in AD and checked the service accounts everything fine. Could you please help me on this? Thanks in advance.



Level 1
Level 1

What about I can login and logout of extension mobility but the phone never restarts or resets with the UDP. The device even shows that someone is logged in on it when looking at its config on CUCM. Both my phone and udp are subscribed. URL is correct. I reset the service extension mobility service on all nodes. The only other thing I can think of is restarting the tomcat service? I don't get any errors of any kind anywhere other than i know for a fact my device does not change. I had it working before the only thing also that i can think of is my clock on the phones is off by 4 mins and i pretty sure my NTP servers are not setup properly.


Running 11.5


Collect the below logs to find the error from the extension mobility


Collect these logs for EM/EMCC issue:


Cisco Extension Mobility
Cisco Extension Mobility Application
Phone Console logs
Packet capture from the phone
TVS logs in details


Communication between phone and CUCM app messages in the XML messages format using the port number 


Sample Snippets for Login Type "DN"

2017-08-28 21:07:04,522 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-10] EMAppServlet - EMApp Request# ----->1190
2017-08-28 21:07:04,523 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-10] EMAppServlet - EMAppServlet: Request protocol is :http
2017-08-28 21:07:04,523 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-10] EMAppServlet - EMApp Request parameters: Logout=null Device Name=SEP74A02FC09CDF User Id=null Device Profile=null Refresh=null Remote Host IP Address = Via Header Set = false getClusterInfo = null Lang = en_US Charset=utf-8,;q=0.8 Emcc = true LoginType = DN
2017-08-28 21:07:04,523 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-10] CMDatabase - CMDatabase:checkDeviceAllowsAlternateScript
2017-08-28 21:07:04,551 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-10] CMDatabase - SEP74A02FC09CDF with model 36224 and locale 1 does not support alternate script
2017-08-28 21:07:04,551 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-10] EMAppServlet - Alternate Script for device SEP74A02FC09CDF =
2017-08-28 21:07:04,552 DEBUG [http-bio-8080-exec-10] EMServiceCommunicator - Posting to EM Service:<query>


Self-Service User ID (SP) user id capture logs between CUCM and phone using servlet concept capure using ports number for the comunication

Sample Snippets for Login Type "SP"

2017-08-28 22:06:05,781 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-24] EMAppServlet - EMApp Request# ----->1204
2017-08-28 22:06:05,782 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-24] EMAppServlet - EMAppServlet: Request protocol is :http
2017-08-28 22:06:05,782 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-24] EMAppServlet - EMApp Request parameters: Logout=null Device Name=SEP74A02FC09CDF User Id=null Device Profile=null Refresh=null Remote Host IP Address = Via Header Set = false getClusterInfo = null Lang = en_US Charset=utf-8,;q=0.8 Emcc = true LoginType = SP
2017-08-28 22:06:05,782 DEBUG [http-bio-8080-exec-24] EMServiceCommunicator - Posting to EM Service:<query>


Enter user ID verification logs
Sample Snippets for Login Type "UID"

2017-08-29 14:48:20,657 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-1167] EMAppServlet - EMApp Request# ----->10
2017-08-29 14:48:20,657 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-1167] EMAppServlet - EMAppServlet: Request protocol is :http
2017-08-29 14:48:20,658 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-1167] EMAppServlet - EMApp Request parameters: Logout=null Device Name=SEP402CF4915265 User Id=null Device Profile=null Refresh=null Remote Host IP Address = Via Header Set = false getClusterInfo = null Lang = en Charset=utf-8,utf-8;q=0.8 Emcc = null LoginType = UID
2017-05-29 14:48:20,658 DEBUG [http-bio-8080-exec-1167] EMServiceCommunicator - Posting to EM Service:<query>

<deviceName>SEP74A02FC09CDF </deviceName>


Cross cluster service configuration.


Extension Mobility Cross Cluster Service URL Configuration(EMCC):

Like EM service URL, we have three types for EMCC log in as well. Here are the service URL for respective log in types.

User ID: This is the service URL for log in EMCC.

Primary DN:

Self-Service User ID:

Error codes for EMCC:

Common error codes for EMCC log in issues:

Error Code: 47
Error Message on Phone : DN has multiple users(47)

Occurs on EMCC log in when the Extension (Primary Extension under the end user configuration page) used for log in is assigned for multiple users
Error Code: 1
Error Message On Phone: Login is unavailable(1) / Logout is unavailable(1)

Occurs when EM Service could not parse the XML request from EMApp/EMservice Or Because of mismatch in versions between home and visiting CUCM versions.
Error code : 23
Error message on phone: Login is unavailable(23) / Logout is unavailable(23)

Occurs when entered User ID (UID) / Self-Service User ID (SP) or Primary Extension (DN) is not found in database

Juraj Papic
Level 3
Level 3



I have a 7811 phone  (Call Manager 12.5) and when I want to logout "error file not found" 



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