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This document covers the procedure for configuring Visual Voicemail service on Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Unity Connection.

Visual Voicemail


The Visual Voicemail application is an alternative to audio, or telephone user interface (TUI), voicemail service. You use the screen on your phone to work with your voice messages.You can view a list of your messages and play your messages from the list. You can also compose, reply to, forward, and delete messages.


Visual Voicemail uses the following:


1. A MIDlet. The MIDlet is installed when you update your Cisco Unity or Cisco Unity Connection server to the release required by Visual Voicemail.


2. A phone service that points to the MIDlet. You install this phone service on the phones in your Unified Communications system.

DSPs reside either directly on a voice network module, such as the NM-HD-2VE, on PVDM2s that are installed in a voice network module, such as the NM-HDV2, or on PVDM2s that are installed directly onto the motherboard, such as on the Cisco 2800 and 3800 series voice gateway routers. You must determine the number of PVDM2s or network modules that are required to support your conferencing and transcoding services and install the modules on your router.




Before you install Visual Voicemail, check that your system meets all the necessary prerequisites.


Visual Voicemail Release 7.1


1. Cisco Unified Communications Manager release 7.1(2) or later.


2. Cisco Unity or Cisco Unity Connection Server:


Use either of the following:


• Cisco Unity release 7.0 with Engineering Special (ES) 19 or later. You also need the following:


–Cisco Unity Web Service (VMWS) version or later.


–Microsoft Exchange configured as the message store.


–DCOM rights enabled. Use the Permissions wizard to do this.


• Cisco Unity Connection release 7.1(2) or later. Use Cisco Unity Connection release 7.1(3) ES 12 or later for a cluster of publisher and subscriber Cisco Unity Connection servers in an active-active configuration.


3. Phone Firmware Version: 8-4-3 ES 2 or later.


Ensure that you have the correct versions of all the required software,  as listed in the release notes at the following URL:


Configuration Procedure


1. Creating a Voicemail Pilot Number for Visual Voicemail

Step 1 Select Voicemail-->Voicemail Pilot in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration

Step 2 Select Add New

Step 3 Enter a directory number for the voicemail pilot for visual voicemail in the voicemail pilot number field

Step 4 Select the same CSS that you use for the Visual Voicemail system from the CSS list box

Step 5 Enter a description in the Description field, for example, Enter Visual Voicemail Reverse Trap Pilot


2. Creating a Hunt Pilot for the Voicemail Pilot Number

Step 1 Select Call Routing-->Route/Hunt-->Hunt Pilot in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration

Step 2 Select Add New

Step 3 Enter the number of the Visual Voicemail Pilot number in the Hunt Pilot field

Step 4 Enter a description in the Description field, for example, Enter Visual Voicemail Reverse Trap Hunt Pilot

Step 5 Select the same Hunt List that is associated with your telephone user interface(TUI) voicemail system from the Hunt List list box

Step 6 Select save


3. Configuring the Reverse Trap Rule on Cisco Unity Connection

Step 1 Select Call Management-->Call Routing-->Direct Routing Rules in Cisco Unity Connection Administration

Step 2 Select Add New

Step 3 Enter a name for the rule in the Display Name field, for example, Visual Voicemail Reverse Trap Rule.

Step 4 Select Save


4. Create a Condition

Step 1 Select Add New in the Routing Rule Conditions section

Step 2 Select the Dialed Number option

Step 3 Select Equals from the list box of condition operators

Step 4 Enter the number of the Visual Voicemail pilot number in the value field

Step 5 Select Save

Step 6 Check that the new rule is displayed in the Routing Rule Conditions sectio

Step 7 Select the Edit Direct Routing Rule link at the top of the window

Step 8 Select the Conversation option on the Edit Direct Routing Rule window, then Select Reverse Trap from the list box

Step 9 Select Save


5. Testing Visual Voicemail .Jad file on your Voicemail server

Step 1 Start a browser

Step 2 Access the URL of the .jad file on the voicemail server

Step 3 You can access the URL structure as follows:

http://<IP address of voicemail server>/midlets/VisualVoicemail/VisualVoicemail.jad

Step 4 open/save the file that you get from the above step



6.  Adding the Visual Voicemail Service

Step 1 Select Device-->Device Settings-->Phone Services in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration

Step 2 Select Add New

Step 3 Enter information in the IP Phone Services Configuration window as follows

-->Service Name(Enter the name of the service exactly as it appears in the VisualVoicemail.jad file. This name if displayed in the list of available services when you subscriber a phone to a service)

-->ASCII Service Name(Enter a name for the service in ASCII characters. This name is diplayed on a phone if the phone cannot display Unicode characters)

-->Service URL(Enter a URL that points to the service target .jad file)

-->Service Category(Select Java Midlet)

-->Service Type(Select Messages to associate the service with the Messages button on the phone)

-->Service Vendor(Enter the name of the service vendor as it appears in the VisualVoicemail.jad)

Step 4 Select Save


7. Select New Parameter to add a parameter to the service

Step 1 Parameter Name-->voicemail_server

Step 2 Parameter Display Name-->Voicemail Server

Step 3 Default value-->(hostname of primary server)

Step 4 Parameter Description-->Hostname of voicemail server


8. Select Add New to add another parameter to the service

Step 1 Parameter Name-->call_connect_delay

Step 2 Parameter Display Name-->Call Connect Delay

Step 3 Default value-->1000

Step 4 Parameter Description-->Default Call Connect Display


9. Select Add New to add another parameter to the service

Step 1 Parameter Name-->log_level

Step 2 Parameter Display Name-->Log Level

Step 3 Default value-->info

Step 4 Parameter Description-->level of logging


Save and close


10. Subscribing Individual Phones to Visual Voicemail

Step 1 Select Device-->Phone

Step 2 Search for the phone in the Find and List Phone window

Step 3 Select the phone

Step 4 Select Subscriber/Unsubscribe Services from Related Links, then Select Go

Step 5 Select the Visual Voicemail service from the Select a Service dialog box

Step 6 Select Next

Step 7 Select Subscribe



Related Information

Level 4
Level 4

Hello, I understand this is an 3 yrs old post but I do want to thank you for this. I have been looking for a solution for visual voice mail issue which I am having right now. I am hoping to get some help from you if possible-my manager had 7900 phone with VVM service on it and I didn't know anything about it. I replaced his phone to 8800 model SIP device. Obviously, he didn't have VVM service on his new phone. He told me all about it and than I started reading documents like yours. The problem I am facing is-I found nothing in my call manager about VVM service!!! There was no pilot number, no hunt pilot and VVM service!!! I also looked at the Unity VM and there is nothing about VVM there either!!! Person who configured this feature is gone from the organization and I am wondering how he manged to do this without above instructions? I understand 7900 model of phones work with JAVA MIDlet and but not the 8800 models? Is there a way for me configure this feature on 8800 phone without all the above? Thanks

*Since I don't want to make a mess for your post, I will remove my comments later on.

Oleksandr Levichev
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Gary,

I will try to answer on behalf of the author.

First, check if your VVM works for a single phone. If that's the case then you just have to do one thing, which is to configure separate XML service with the following parameters. If have no VVM working phone I suggest taking any 7900 series device and configuring VVM for it. After you will see that it works just add additional separate service for 8800 phones.

Service Name:   VisualVoicemail-88
URL:   Application:Cisco/VisualVoiceMail
Category:  XML, Type:  Messages, Vendor:  Cisco,  Enable:  yes



Level 4
Level 4

Thank you very much for your comments---7900 series phone had VVM working before I replaced it to 8800 phone. Also, I have deleted 7900 phone from call manager (big mistake). If I reconfigured 7900 phone again, I do not have VVM option!!! It almost loos like everything got removed with the phone. I also heard that 8800 phones have issues with VVM because they don't work with JAVA MIDlet!!! It still puzzled me how he had VVM working without any service, hunt pilot and Unity settings!!!

If I just create VVM service in CCM, I do get the both options AUDIO and VVM, if I select VVM, my 7900 phone dials 5555 number. This number assigned to someone and he answered the phone. Is it doing this because there are no TRAP configured?

Oleksandr Levichev
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Gary,

This configuration is based on SCCP integration between CM/Unity. Based on what you're saying seems like you have SIP integration, so instead of the Hunt Pilot you have to configure Route Pattern.

In general, I advise first to have a close look how SIP integration is configured, understand the logic and then move to SIP based VVM service configuration. You can always create a ticket with TAC for config clarification.



Level 4
Level 4

Thanks keep these instructions nice and clean I will remove my queries/discussions. Thanks you for you help and comments.

Level 1
Level 1


Is it required to have Microsoft Exchange configured as the message store for VVM to work ?

In our setup we don't have MS Exchange as we use Gmail as a mail client.


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