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From Webex Calling to CUCM



The Voice Class Tenant 200 is a trunk to process inbound and outbound calls from and to Webex Calling and this will be associated to the Dial Peer Voice 201 with voice-class sip tenant 200 command.


voice class tenant 200

registrar scheme sips expires 240 refresh-ratio 50 tcp tls

credentials number WxC-Mig-Bootcamp-HQ-Trk9975_LGU username WxC-Mig-Bootcamp-HQ-Trk3638_LGU

password 0 kAG^V5^ZaZ realm BroadWorks

authentication username WxC-Mig-Bootcamp-HQ-Trk3638_LGU password 0 kAG^V5^ZaZ realm BroadWorks

authentication username WxC-Mig-Bootcamp-HQ-Trk3638_LGU password 0 kAG^V5^ZaZ realm

no remote-party-id



srtp-crypto 200

session transport tcp tls

url sips


asserted-id pai

bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet1

bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet1

no pass-thru content custom-sdp

sip-profiles 200


privacy-policy passthru


We need to define the pattern to uniquely identify the specific organization to be matched by the incoming dial peer in the Local Gateway from Webex Calling.

Incoming calls from Webex Calling are identified with voice class URI. The SIP INVITE Request-URI sent from the Webex Calling cloud to the local gateway contains a dtg parameter that is generated in Control Hub.


voice class uri WBX-URI sip

pattern dtg=wxc-mig-bootcamp-hq-trk3638.lgu

The Dial Peer Group 300 points to Dial Peer Voice 301 to route incoming calls from Webex Calling to dial peer 301.

voice class dpg 300

description Incoming calls webex (Dial Peer 201) to CUCM (Dial Peer 301)

dial-peer 301 preference 1


The call from Webex Calling uses the dial peer 201 because there is a match using the incoming uri request WBX-URI command.


dial-peer voice 201 voip

description Inbound/Outbound Webex Calling

max-conn 250

destination-pattern BAD.BAD

session protocol sipv2

session target sip-server

destination dpg 300

incoming uri request WxCMigBootcamp

voice-class codec 99

voice-class stun-usage 200

no voice-class sip localhost

voice-class sip tenant 200

dtmf-relay rtp-nte


no vad


The voice class tenant 100 is a trunk to the CUCM. It will be applied on all Outbound dial peers facing the CUCM.


voice class tenant 100

session transport udp

url sip


bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet2

bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet2

no pass-thru content custom-sdp


Define the CUCM as the target for the dial peer 301. In order to do that, you need to create voice class server group with all the IP addresses of the CUCM nodes with the callmanager service enabled.


voice class server-group 301



Because the Dial Peer Group 300 configured previously points to Dial Peer Voice 301 with dial-peer 301 preference 1 command the call is routed to dial peer 301. This Dial Peer points to IP of CUCM using the voice class server-group command.


dial-peer voice 301 voip

description Outgoing dial-peer to CUCM

destination-pattern BAD.BAD

session protocol sipv2

session server-group 301

voice-class codec 99

dtmf-relay rtp-nte

voice-class sip tenant 100

no vad


From CUCM to Webex Calling



Configure the Voice Class Tenant 300 that will be applied on all Inbound dial peers from the CUCM.

This will be associated to Dial Peer Voice 300 using the voice-class sip tenant 300 command.


voice class tenant 300

bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet2

bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet2

no pass-thru content custom-sdp


Configure the voice class URI to match the CUCM IP address.


voice class uri 300 sip

host ipv4:


Define the dial peer group 200, the purpose is to route the calls to dial peer 201.


voice class dpg 200

description Incoming CUCM (Dial Peer 300) to Webex Calling (Dial Peer 201)

dial-peer 201 preference 1


The dial peer 300 matches the CUCM IP address based on the voice class URI using the incoming uri via 300 command, then the call is routed to the dial peer group 200 because the destination dpg 200 command.


dial-peer voice 300 voip

description Incoming dial-peer from Unified CM to Webex

session protocol sipv2

destination dpg 200

incoming uri via 300

voice-class codec 99

dtmf-relay rtp-nte

voice-class sip tenant 300


Because the Dial Peer Group 200 points to Dial Peer Voice 201 the call is routed to dial peer 201, The call is sent to Voice Class Tenant 200 since the Dial Peer 201 is configured with voice-class sip tenant 200 command


dial-peer voice 201 voip

description Inbound/Outbound Webex Calling

max-conn 250

destination-pattern BAD.BAD

session protocol sipv2

session target sip-server

destination dpg 300

incoming uri request WxCMigBootcamp

voice-class codec 99

voice-class stun-usage 200

no voice-class sip localhost

voice-class sip tenant 200

dtmf-relay rtp-nte


no vad


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