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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Ravi Kr on 10-06-2011 09:15:21 PM
Does a Edge 95 codec have its own IR control or is it controlled by the camera IR only

If the unit got its own IR  please  provide the command to enable and disable the IR of the codec.

Subject: RE: Edge 95
Replied by: Johan Randby on 14-06-2011 10:16:11 AM
Hi Ravi
The Edge codecs do not have IR sensors so you need to control it through the camera IR..


Subject: RE: Edge 95
Replied by: Ruel Reyes on 20-06-2011 07:32:28 PM
Hi Guys,

Can you guys suggest what is the correct command of controlling TTC7-14 Camera? I am using 'key up', 'key down' etc. for near end cameras and 'fecc up', etc for far end camera. It works smooth during my first programming but after two days, again camera control does not become smooth.

I try to resolve by using a higher Baud Rate on RS-232 and it works again for around 2 days and after that, again the same problem appear.

Do I need to send any command that will set the speed first?

Thanks. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
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