on 01-24-2014 06:01 PM
I know this is a little late, but if you use the enduser telephone field as the extension, you can lookup the userid from the enduser table. If you pull it from the actual phone you'll have to get pretty complex - joining dnorpattern with devices and then joining devices with enduser controlled devices which may contain more than a single match etc.
select userid,mailid from enduser where telephonenumber='3955'
If you are using the same format of the normal EM login then you have the PIN already and can just use the original style get request (http://<<CUCM IP>>/emapp/EMAppServlet?device=<<DEVICENAME>>&userid=<<USERID>>&seq=<<PIN>>) to call to CM using that same format, but replacing the extension for the username. I'm looking at a customer right now with similar needs.
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