Jon Snipes
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎07-08-2010

User Statistics

  • 31 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 6 Helpful votes Given
  • 6 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

I'm looking at the SCIM API and cant get a query to go.  Tested with both search and get with same error that comes up saying that the orgID is not found. Tested with my Full Admin token and integration with the identity:people-read scope.  Tested fr...
I setup a new SMS number and have a simple flow to test receiving and sending which works.  When I send an MMS message to the number I do not see the flow execute.  Is there anything "extra" that needs to happen for MMS to process ?
I am having issues with PAWS API DataExportService.  When initiating the export via postman it fails and the logs show an error requiring an absolute path for the SFTP location, but an absolute path was provided.  SFTP is functional as the same accou...
I found out after running into an issue with Jabber login that with CM 9 when LDAP Authentication is enabled, Authentication of Locally Created Users Fail.Is this a know issue and what is any timeline is avaible for this to be resolved and supply CM ...
Is there currentlty the ability to use Variables to adjust the way descriptions and line appearances are written to the phone through user profiles?I see that currently descriptions are defined as firstname lastname username extension.  The big place...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-08-2010 05:30 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-04-2024 05:35 AM
Posts 31
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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