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Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: UMUT ARSLAN on 14-07-2010 04:16:20 PM
We want to make a conference call between customer, agent and IVR. We have a custom CTIOS agent desktop application and our IVR application is developed using Call studio, it is a VXML CVP application.
The scenario is like this:
1. Agent answers the customer call.
2. Agent enters the IVR phone number, and presses the conference init buton and and after reaching the IVR application , agent presses conference complete button and there are three parties in the conference call: Agent, IVR, customer.
3. In this senario the customer should enter credit card number and its pin in the vxml application.
4. After entering card number and pin, vxml application controls the pin, puts the information about card number and also pin check status to the FromExternalvxml array. The vxml application returns to the ICM script and the FromExternalvxml variables are moved to Callvariables.
5. After that ICM ends the script. the customer and agent ar still in the conference.
6. Until now everthing goes okay, but we couldn't get the information card number and pin status from desktop application.
Is it possible to change and get callvariables in conference call? How can we pass the card number entered in the IVR to the desktop application?

Subject: RE: Getting Call Data During Conference
Replied by: Christopher Nagel on 14-07-2010 08:09:56 PM

4. After entering card number and pin, vxml application controls the pin, puts the information about card number and also pin check status to the FromExternalvxml array. The vxml application returns to the ICM script and the FromExternalvxml variables are moved to Callvariables.
5. After that ICM ends the script. the customer and agent ar still in the conference.
6. Until now everthing goes okay, but we couldn't get the information card number and pin status from desktop application.
Is it possible to change and get callvariables in conference call? How can we pass the card number entered in the IVR to the desktop application?

Leaving aside the standard rants about (a) how this is not PCI/SOX
compliant design, (b) why Cisco crippled CVP's access to call data/ecc
values, have you tried:
Using CVP to update CallData.uui and listening for OnCallDataUpdate in the cti app?
Just a thought since that's one value both endpoints can see.

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