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Ritu Raj Singh
Level 1
Level 1

Generating User Report in BAT

We can use Cisco Bulk Administration Tool for generating User report with  User Name,ID,Associated Phone and Primary Extensions. Below are the steps  required in CM4.x and CM5../6.x/7.x.

CM4.X Procedure

  1. On CCM server go under C:\CiscoWebs\BAT\Templates\BATFileTitles\Users, here  create a new file as "LessDetailUser.txt". This file's content would be:

    First Name^|^Last Name^|^User Id^|^MAC Address1^|^Telephone Number^|^MAC  Address2^~^

  2. On CCMAdmin page, look under Application, if BAT is not listed here, you need to  install BAT plugin by going to CCMAdmin>Application>Install  Plugins>Cisco Unified CallManager Bulk Administration Tool.
  3. Launch BAT, using http://<ip of CCM server>/BAT/BATMain.asp . Goto,  Configure>User>Export Users>Provide a File Name for the Exported  file>Select LessDetailUser in File Format Name> Click Generate.

  4. Collect the file(s) from location, C:\BatFiles\Export\Users\ . There could be  more than one result file starting with the filename which you have provided in  step 3.

CM5.X/6.X Procedure

  1. First make sure that "Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service" is activated and running.  You can check it under Cisco Unified CallManager Serviceability>Control  Center - Feature Services.
  2. Goto CCMAdmin page > Bulk Administration > Users > Generate User Report  > Do a blind search to find all users "where User ID begins with" blank >  Click Next.
  3. Under User Report Configuration, Provide a Filename for result file > Under  user fields, select the fields as per your requirement eg.,


  4. Provide a informative Job Description under Job Information, so that you can  identify this job from a list of scheduled jobs in Job Schedular. And select Run  Immediately and click submit.
  5. Now, goto CCMAdmin page > Bulk Administration > Job schedular > List  all the jobs (blind search) > Click on the Job Id of your Job(as per step 4),  it must be "completed".
  6. On this page under Job Result, last column "Report File Name" would give you the  link to the result file.
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