on 01-24-2014 05:22 PM
Has there been a solution to this question? I am trying to find the same information.
You can modify the CSS with updatePhone. Here's a snippet of the XML tags for updatePhone:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns="http://www.cisco.com/AXL/API/10.5">
<ns:updatePhone sequence="?">
<!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
<callingSearchSpaceName uuid="?">?</callingSearchSpaceName>
getPhone will return the CSS.
Sure, this works for the phone - I was wondering about the CSS on the line itself under Directory Number Settings. I was able to use updateLine for one of my phones but it did not work for another one. Not sure if it was because it had a shared line I was trying to update or if there was another reason. I got it to work with executeSQLUpdate but didn't want to resort to that.
Any suggestions?
Thank you,
It looks like I need to use shareLineAppearanceCssName to update the CSS on the line using updateLine. That did the trick.
But now I am having difficulty updating the display, displayAscii and label on the phone line using the same method (updateLine). I am on CUCM 10.5.1-10000-7.
It works for getLine and updateLine, too. But the tag is different. The tag is "shareLineAppearanceCssName".
Ha! You beat me to it. (see above response that I just posted.)
What difficulty are you having with the Ascii and label? Did you notice this from the help page? Setting applies only to the current device unless you check the check box at right (Update Shared Device Settings) and click the Propagate Selected button. (The check box at right displays only if other devices share this directory number.)
Hehe! I actually followed your previous advice to set the CSS in the UI and then look at the tag.
Regarding the display - I hadn't seen the explanation from the help page, so thank you for that. But now that I tried using a non-shared line, I still can't seem to update the display settings. The request does not fail but on getLine I see no new data and in the UI it is not updated. I have it working on CUCM 9.1.1 but I might be missing something on 10.5.1.
I think I got it.
I was able to do it using updatePhone. I had to specify the line information and index as well as the dirn pattern and routePartitionName (since that was set in the UI). Without the routePartitionName, the directory number could not be found. Then it was easy to set the display, displayAscii and label.
Thanks Nick!
My pleasure! I'm glad you got it working (one way or another). Good luck!
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