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Ritu Raj Singh
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Level 1



With Release 5.3, we can easily integrate the information that is stored on  our corporate directory server with our Cisco MeetingPlace system. By using LDAP  technology, Release 5.3 creates an all-inclusive meta-directory that combines  and synchronizes Microsoft Active Directory or Netscape/SunOne/iPlanet directory  information with Cisco MeetingPlace system information.



Benefits of Release 5.3 include the following:

  • For new Cisco MeetingPlace enterprise systems, Release 5.3 eliminates the  need to manually create new profiles in the Cisco MeetingPlace system.
  • For existing systems, Release 5.3 simplifies ongoing maintenance of user  information in the system. Name changes, additions, deletions, and changes in  status can be automatically propagated from your corporate directory to the  Cisco MeetingPlace system.



Release 5.3 supports the following directory servers:

  • Microsoft Active Directory 2000 and 2003:

    Microsoft Active  Directory allows you to store, access, manipulate organizational information  about users and resources, and manage all elements of a networked environment,  such as computers, groups, users, policies, and other user-defined objects.
  • Netscape/SunOne/iPlanet LDAP Directory Server Version 4 and Version  5:

    Netscape/SunOne/iPlanet is a general purpose LDAP directory that  stores, publishes, and centrally manages users and network resources.
  • Cisco CallManager directory

    Synchronizations of user data from the  Cisco CallManager directory allow the Cisco MeetingPlace system to support IP  telephony users who are configured in Cisco CallManager.




In order to integrate Cisco MeetingPlace server with Active Directory we need  to install/configure Cisco MeetingPlace Directory Services. We can follow the given url for complete Cisco MeetingPlace and AD  integration :


Installing Cisco MeetingPlace Directory Services  Release 5.3:


Configuring Cisco MeetingPlace Directory Services  Release 5.3:


Cisco MeetingPlace Directory Services Release 5.3  Implementation Steps and Checklist:



Configuring the Web Server for Windows  Authentication


Before You Begin Complete the "Restricting NTFS Access in the MPWeb Folder" section.



Step 1 Sign in to Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Conferencing.

Step 2 From the Welcome page, click Admin; then, Web  Server.

Step 3 From the "View" section of the page, click the name of the web  server that you want to configure. Information about this web server populates  the "Edit" section of the page.

Step 4 For Hostname, enter the hostname, IP address, or fully  qualified domain name (FQDN) of this web server.

          Note If you use an IP address or FQDN, you will be prompted for your  Windows login information when you try to access Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web  Conferencing even if

          you are already logged on to your computer with your domain  Windows account. This is due to the way the Windows OS and IIS deal with Windows  authentication.For more

          including two workarounds, see the  "Troubleshooting  Problems with Improper Functionality of Windows Authentication" section on page 5-18.

Step 5 For Trust Web Server Authentication, choose Yes.

Step 6 Click Submit.

Step 7 Restart the Cisco MeetingPlace Web Conferencing Service.


For instructions, see the "Restarting All Cisco Unified MeetingPlace  Web Conferencing Services" section on page 2-2.



Related Documentation

  • Administrator's Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Directory Services  Release 5.3

  • Installation Planning Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Release  5.3

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