Created by: Guilherme Quelhos on 30-08-2011 10:13:21 AM Dears, How can I lock an IP Phone but still receiving calls? Which API can use? Is there a step-by-step to do that? Could comeody send me some samples? I don't have much experience using Cisco APIs. Thanks. Guilherme
Subject: Re: New Message from Guilherme Quelhos in Administration XML (AXL) - Admini Replied by: Victor Manuel Garcia Ternero on 30-08-2011 10:17:54 AM Buenas,
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Subject: RE: How to lock an IP Phone? Replied by: Florian Kroessbacher on 30-08-2011 03:03:19 PM You can Fevelope some Application in which u look which user is owning the phone, via axl then u can check the pin of the user over axl if its right then u set the none restrict CSS. For locking u don't check the user and set the locking css.
There are some Applications out there like with their App andlock
cheers Floh
Subject: RE: How to lock an IP Phone? Replied by: David Staudt on 30-08-2011 01:05:08 PM If by 'lock the phone' you mean to restrict any outbound calls, then typically this is achieved by configuring a calling search space for the phone that includes only 911 and the operator. This can of course be done from the UCM admin UI, however if you want to do it programmatically, AXL is the right API. I believe you will want to execute an <updatePhone> request, specifying the phone's devicename (e.g. SEPxxxxxxxxxxxx) and setting the <callingSearchSpaceName> to the desired CSS. The AXL SQL Toolkit (downloadable from the UCM admin web pages, under Applications/Plugins) contains a small java sample, other samples can be found in the AXL wiki:
Subject: RE: How to lock an IP Phone? Replied by: Guilherme Quelhos on 30-08-2011 02:31:49 PM David,
I really appreciated your help. Thanks.
Do you know if it's possible to lock/unlock the phone using a password?
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