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Level 11
Level 11
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Created by: Priya Francis on 10-12-2012 07:47:59 PM
Is it possible to load a gadget inside my Finesse layout based on an incoming call event or agent state change event? I have a use case wherein i collect digits from customer and do a basic database lookup and populate some call variables. The requirement is that the gadget should be reloaded with the newly populated call variable or should only load when the event is triggered. For example, if i use the googlemaps gadget, i want it to load on an incoming call with input parameter being customer location (retrieved from database) which is populated in callvar3. Is this possible?
Please do let me know.


Subject: RE: New Message from Priya Francis in Cisco Finesse - General Questions: Is
Replied by: David Lender on 11-12-2012 09:08:55 AM
There is no API to allow dynamic loading of gadgets from the Finesse layout.  The call variable information comes from the Dialog update events.  There is no facility to reload the gadget based on a Dialog (call) update.

Subject: RE: Is it possible to load a Finesse gadget based on a trigger?
Replied by: Priya Francis on 11-12-2012 01:50:33 PM
Thanks for the quick response David. Is there a plan or a solution for this use case in a future release of Finesse?

Subject: RE: New Message from Priya Francis in Cisco Finesse - General Questions: RE
Replied by: David Lender on 11-12-2012 02:33:18 PM
There are currently no plans to implement this feature.  You want the ability for a gadget to reload itself?  I think this would have to become part of the OpenSocial gadget specification

If you want to load information in the gadget based on a dialog (call) data, you might consider using the    It is described in the OpenSocial specification.

Subject: RE: New Message from Priya Francis in Cisco Finesse - General Questions: RE
Replied by: Priya Francis on 11-12-2012 02:36:41 PM
Sounds good, will take a look at the spec. I was asking for the gadget to be loaded based on a trigger and not necessarily reload on a trigger. Difference is, when agent first login to the finesse UI, he doesnt see the gadget but on a specific state change or event trigger the gadget gets loaded, is what i was looking for, which makes it easier to address this use case.
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