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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: MIGUEL AMARAL on 03-11-2011 10:10:45 AM
I'm having a problem with any application that runs ok in the same network of CUCM, but when I change to other network (I've got a static mapping of my IP address and permit all IP traffic between this 2 DMZs - private and voice - no routing problems, no DNS problems), I allways get same error:
" Unable to create provider -- null"
Why do I have this problem ? It's the same machine, just change networks ??
JTAPI need same network between CUCM and Client App ?
JTAPI doesn't support routing ?

Subject: RE: JTAPI integration with CUCM - getProvider()
Replied by: Abhishek Malhotra on 28-12-2011 12:08:26 PM
Are you able to ping CUCM from client app machine? Client App machine would try a connection to CUCM over port 2748 or 2749, so just ensure if these are not blocked and are reachable from client app.

Subject: RE: JTAPI integration with CUCM - getProvider()
Replied by: MIGUEL AMARAL on 10-01-2012 07:04:37 AM

Sorry, just saw your post today...

Like I said, all traffic is permited between 2 networks (including ICMP) and I can see connection over port 2748, but no traffic response from CUCM.

Thanks anyway


Subject: RE: JTAPI integration with CUCM - getProvider()
Replied by: Abhishek Malhotra on 13-01-2012 12:17:39 PM
It sounds like a connectivity issue and I cant think of any other obvious issue here. 
I would suggest checking:
- if CallManager/CTIManager services are running.
- if in case you have done any call manager upgrade recently, check the db replication status and fix if needed.
- check rtmt for any alarms/errors indicating any environment / network issue.
If it is still an issue, i would suggest opening a support case after collecting JTAPI, Calll Manager, CTI Manager and sniffer traces.
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