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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

*** updated 10-03-2020 // added info/link for Webex Education(LMS) Connector 


Hi all,


most schools/universities use a LMS (Learning Management System) like Moodle, Canvas, etc.

Although you could use Webex services (Webex Meetings, Webex Training, Webex Teams) independently of your LMS, there is great benefit to integrate these two.  This would offer you automated processes, save valueable time from you IT staff and also allow you to scale.


For example, some functions that LMS integration could bring:

a) hosts/instrructors could schedule webex sessions from your LMS

b) students could login to LMS and see there the webex sessions scheduled that are entitled to attend based on the courses they are registered

c) students could see inside LMS the webex teams space that are related their courses and are entitled to join

d) students could access webex recordings for the courses that they are entiteld to join etc.


All these solutions (Webex Meetings, Webex Training, Webex Teams) provide rich set of API that could be used for various integrations including LMS systems.

More details on APIs:

Info on Webex Teams APIs :

Info on Webex Meetings and Webex Training APIs:


So, these are the options to get Webex services - LMS integration:

a) your development team or your preferred developer could use available APIs to build your desired LMS integration

b) Use Education LMS Connector provided by Cisco - more details here: 

    Cisco Webex Education Connector - LMS integration (updated Oct2019)

c) purchase a ready-made integration package by application developers 

    For example, Cirqlive's offering  -->


please rate if  you find this helpful





DISCLAIMER: this post was created in order to provide useful info to Cisco partners and customers in my area (Greece/Cyprus and Malta). For official and updated information, please consult cisco documentation, datasheets and ordering guides 

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