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Level 5
Level 5
  1. How do I collect the archive logs?
  2. How do I access a media file for playback?


QHow do I collect the archive logs?


APlease choose "Cisco MediaSense API service" and "Cisco MediaSense Storage Management Agent" services to collect archival logs. If there were any other failure for calls then choose "Cisco MediaSense Call Control Service" to collect logs.


QHow do I determine if the first or second server is currently Master?


AWe generally use VLC player for rtsp playback and it's working pretty good in our lab. It has capabilities to play multiple tracks simultaneously so I will suggest you for the same. Through httpUrl you can only play one side video as it depends on the player used by the browser. So please try the rtsp url with VLC media player, version 2.0.5.

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