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Level 11
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Created by: Jeff Engle on 15-12-2010 03:48:42 PM
To test, I am setting up a campaign to monitor blogs, etc.. on "Kinect Xbox". I set up a Engadget RSS feed from which SM dowloaded 40 contacts, 2 of which were related to Kinect Xbox.
Question: is there no search or filter mechanism other than training the Bayesian filter to get just the contacts with Kinect Xbox? 

WM:Unless the site supports the ¿atom¿ search specification that allows for keyword searches within the stream, I believe that you are correct on relying on the bayesian filters.

Subject: RE: No search or filter mechanism other than training the Bayesian filter
Replied by: Tod Famous on 16-12-2010 12:33:14 AM
SocialMiner design allows you to use any public search to front end the system.
For example, if you wanted blogs on Kinect then I would recommend using
You can subscribe to the search results by copying the RSS resulting from that google search.  If you want to look broader then just blogs, then try google alerts where you can get forms and other sites.
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