on 01-25-2014 10:45 AM
This is an example of reading file. of cause this is NOT for your scenario. if [infotag get cfg_avpair_exists dial-file] { set dial_file [string trim [infotag get cfg_avpair dial-file]] } else { set dial_file flash:/speed_dial.txt puts -nonewline " -- ERROR: Mandatory parameter speed dial file does not exist added default flash --" } proc readDataFile { fname } { global speedDialArray if [catch {set fd [open $fname] } errmsg] { error "Unable to open file: $fname for reading\n$errmsg" return -1 } set noDataRead 1 while {[gets $fd string] != -1} { set key [lindex $string 0] set data [lindex $string 1] puts "File: $fname ::key: $key :ata: $data ::" if { [regexp {^#} $key] } { puts "Line is a comment" continue } if { ![regexp {^[0-9]*$} $key] } { puts "Invalid Key: $key is given in file: $fname, ignoring this key option" continue } if { [regexp {^[0-9]*$} $data] } { puts "Speed Dial Phone number: $data is assigned to Key: $key" set speedDialArray($key) $data set noDataRead 0 } } ;#end of while # Process any errors that occurred during the read if ![eof $fd] { error "Error occurred while reading 'somefile'" } close $fd if { $noDataRead } { log -s ERR "Tcl script : No data readed from Speed dial data file, please check the Content file, might be corrupted" } } flat file format: 21 0123456789 24 1123456789Lisandro Quinteros:Thanks for you reply.. I will start researching because I have no idea how to load variables from a text file. It's seems to be a good choice… But I got another doubt now… Today I load in the text file 8 holiday dates..2 weeks later I have to add another date.. I would have to reload the tcl application to cache? Just read the file when hetting ev_setup_indication then it should be fine And how it’s the syntaxes to make an IF statement to compare today_date_is vs. ALL dates from the text file… My idea is to make a generic If statement so when I add a new date to the text file it's not necessary to change the if statement… How to compare the date string is really your choice. if possible I would use soemthing like "04172013" for April 17 2013. Thanks..
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