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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Benoit Coux on 18-05-2010 07:02:47 AM
While testing our XML service on phone with 9.x firmwares, we discovered that
it's not working anymore.
Our analysis revealed that the
problem appears with firmware 8.5 and
What we noticed server-side is that the client SessionID changes each
time a new page is called from the phone, which causes the loss of the
session informations used in
our service.
See below the exchanges before and now with the new firmwares:
Firmware 8.4 see lines 2 and 4 in file  Firmware
8.4.2S same sessionID

Firmware 9.0 see lines 9 and 25 in file Firmware different sessionID

Did anyone had the same issue ?
Is this the new behavior for the phones ?

Subject: RE: SessionID renewed at each exchange starting with firmware 8.5 (and abov
Replied by: David Staudt on 18-05-2010 02:54:33 PM
What models of phones have you tested?

Subject: RE: SessionID renewed at each exchange starting with firmware 8.5 (and abov
Replied by: Benoit Coux on 18-05-2010 03:33:24 PM
We did test with the following models: 7940, 7975, 6941 and 8961.

Subject: RE: SessionID renewed at each exchange starting with firmware 8.5 (and abov
Replied by: David Staudt on 18-05-2010 04:52:16 PM
Later phone firmware versions have received an updated HTTP implementation, which is generally more strict/observant than previous handlers.
In this case it appears HTTP 1.0 rules indicates user-agents should not send cookies in 3xx redirection requests: in section "4.3.5 Sending Cookies in Unverifiable Transactions":
<pre>"A transaction is
   verifiable if the user has the option to review the request-URI prior
   to its use in the transaction.  A transaction is unverifiable if the
   user does not have that option.  Unverifiable transactions typically
   arise when a user agent automatically requests inlined or embedded
   entities or when it resolves redirection (3xx) responses from an
   origin server."</pre>
While a behaviour change from previous firmware versions, it appears the change is towards RFC compliance - i.e. fixing a privacy defect.
A workaround could be to include a URL parameter (could be the cookie value) to identify the session.

Subject: RE: SessionID renewed at each exchange starting with firmware 8.5 (and abov
Replied by: Benoit Coux on 26-05-2010 12:26:37 PM
We performed further testing.
In fact, in our application we were having a change of SessionID because
of a Response.Redirect(url) action.

After changing this behavior of our application, the application is now
working fine.


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